
St. Martin in October

Posted By: Lucie

St. Martin in October - 02/21/2022 08:17 PM

We have never travelled to St.Martin, and only have an available date on Oct 1st for a week, is this a good time for nice weather or is it rainy?
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: St. Martin in October - 02/21/2022 08:31 PM

Lucie--the biggest problem with October 1 week is that it is hurricane season. That said, I often travel to St. Maarten/St. Martin in hurricane season and did so in October 2021. The weather at that time of year is warmer than most of the rest of the year, and not really significantly more rain than other times, UNLESS of course you happen upon a hurricane or a tropical storm. If you do decide to travel that time of year, just make sure you buy travel insurance. Usually the island is pretty quiet at that time of year, which I consider to be a good thing.

Curious, as to why you say you only have availability that week. Is that your personal schedule, or are you trying to book a timeshare or something?

And you said "St. Martin". Are you specifically looking at travelling to the French side, as "St. Martin" is the official name for the French side of the island only. If you are interested in the French side in particular, a lot of restaurants on the French side often close for vacation during that time period.
Posted By: Lucie

Re: St. Martin in October - 02/21/2022 08:37 PM

Thank you Carol, that is the first time we will get vacation after our business was locked down due to Covid restrictions in Canada. We need to build back up again, and that seemed to work, October
We are wanting to be on the Dutch side, we are new to this island so spelling was incorrect due to ignorance.

I think we will pass on the trip then and wait until next February to go, it seems that is the golden time.
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: St. Martin in October - 02/21/2022 08:40 PM

OK, if you're looking to stay Dutch side, virtually all restaurants should be open, but not particularly slammed busy, which as I said, to ME, is a good thing. Theretically, the highest season for hurricanes is in September, but Mother Nature sometimes doesn't read the calendar! smile
Posted By: pony600

Re: St. Martin in October - 02/22/2022 06:32 PM

We always have gone in October, for the last 30 years, except for 1 trip in April. We stay on the French side and have never been at a loss for restaurants due to closure. The weather is great then, with the exception of 2 hurricanes while we were there, but 1 trip wasn't a total loss.
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