
At Ocean 82 and ?

Posted By: murphycpcu

At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 12:33 PM

Does anyone know what fish swim around about 10 feet from the beach at this place? The fish were at least 3 feet long and we could see about 5 of them at one time from our table that was ocean front.. They were large enough that I would be concerned about swimming out there while they are present.

Also noted their lobsters they display and prepare are much bigger than Skip Jacks or any other place we have ever been to on the island.

Over all another great SXM experience.
Posted By: enzosxm

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 12:57 PM

If they were sort of still they could have been Barracudas
Posted By: boucharda

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 01:14 PM

Tarpon are huge and usually swim in groups. More common in Simpson Bay Lagoon
Posted By: murphycpcu

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 01:19 PM

They seemed to be very pointy in the head and there was enough light to see how silver and rather gig they were. I assume they are not good for eating or someone would have an easy time catching them.
Posted By: cruzer

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 01:40 PM

If you saw flashes of reflected light as they turned on their sides, they'd be tarpon, which is my guess, as I see them all the time in the night lights at GCBC.
Posted By: SXMBND

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by murphycpcu
They seemed to be very pointy in the head and there was enough light to see how silver and rather gig they were. I assume they are not good for eating or someone would have an easy time catching them.

Let's hope so.......
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 02:02 PM

According to google "Tarpon is edible but people rarely eat them because their meat contains a lot of small bones and it's reported that they don't taste very good."
Posted By: SXMScubaman

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 03:52 PM

"Also noted their lobsters they display and prepare are much bigger than Skip Jacks or any other place we have ever been to on the island."
The bigger they are the higher the price per lobster.
Posted By: Zanshin

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 04:10 PM

I ate there a week or so back. The food was good, but as a wine aficionado I still salivate at these images:

[Linked Image][Linked Image][Linked Image]
Posted By: SXMScubaman

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 04:15 PM

Need a well padded wallet for those. dine
Posted By: Zanshin

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 04:56 PM

Naah, the '83 Petrus goes for a mere US$19,000 retail...
I spoke with a sous-chef there on Tuesday and asked if they just had one of the big ticket Grand-Cru wines but he said that they had 2-4 of most of them. That's a significant inventory investment! Were I rich and have a larcenous streak I'd rather hire a crew to get these than trying to steal artwork. You can't drink a Kandinsky or let it breathe smile
Posted By: lcote

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 04:58 PM

Go see Sylvain at Select Wine Cellars Zanshin. He's a sommelier who knows his stuff!
Posted By: Zanshin

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 05:31 PM

@Icote - I happen to be have my Sommelier certification. I did that years ago in Germany, at the wine university in Geisenheim. But I've never been to that store - I'll have to change that...
Posted By: pony600

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by Zanshin
@Icote - I happen to be have my Sommelier certification. I did that years ago in Germany, at the wine university in Geisenheim. But I've never been to that store - I'll have to change that...

Yes, it is worth the trip. And stop next door at his restaurant as well- Champagne Bistro. You won't be disappointed! If your'e on Facebook, both Select Wine Cellar and the restaurant (Le Champagne SXM by Sylvain) have a page.
Posted By: lcote

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 06:51 PM

Sylvain is excellent. He knows our tastes so well. And he has never chosen us a bad wine! He is amazing.
Posted By: enzosxm

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 07:22 PM

If they were pointy and silver 90% barracudas. The ones around SXM are not edible, not that Barravudas' meat is the finest, but bevause there is a very high chance that they can transmit Ciguatera, a fish food poisoning.
Posted By: johndana274

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 08:43 PM

I remember a facebook video recently that the angler was fishing off Grand Case and caught a big Tarpon, reeled it in and then released. Same discussion there, the fish is to bony and not worth the effort to eat.
Posted By: Bluesfan

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 09:37 PM

I have never quite understood why a sport fishery for Tarpon has not been started in SXM. Isn't fly fishing for Tarpon considered a major challenge?
Posted By: CraigCNicholls

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/09/2023 09:43 PM

While they could be any number of species, most likely they were either Tarpon or Barracuda. If it was around dusk, then most probably Tarpon. Neither Tarpon or Cuda are anything to be concerned about when swimming. Tarpon are absolutely timid and harmless and have no teeth. Barracuda have a reputation (undeservedly, IMHO) of being aggressive but I've been scuba diving and snorkeling around them and never had a concern. In fact, I head-butted a 4 foot Cuda once when diving off a boat of Creole Rock. He gave me an indignant look then swam off into the blue. The only concern with Cuda is they are attracted to bright, shiny things and may snap at something they perceive as 'prey'. They have some pretty fearsome-looking teeth and could do some damage if they latched on to you. Just respect the ocean and the creatures in it - it's their home and we're just visiting. If you go swimming, leave your 'bling' back on the beach or better yet, at home.

Cuda are not edible in these parts (generally 35 deg N to 35 deg S) due to the high risk of Ciguatera poisoning. Tarpon are generally not good eating, though some people use them for fish stew/soup. They have a lot of small bones and the meat is oily, besides, they will feed on garbage and often live in the most brackish water. Good to catch though! Great sport on light tackle as long as you can get them out in the open.
Posted By: lhbsurf

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/10/2023 01:51 PM

We were there a couple of weeks ago and asked about the fish, they told us they were Tarpon and they swam by most every evening.
Posted By: cacapasa

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/10/2023 02:05 PM

Tarpon used to congregate in Simpson Bay behind the former location of Lee's Roadside Grill. Customers would feed them french fries and other leftovers, just to watch the commotion the fish made grabbing the treats. It was part of the entertainment there, but I don't think Lee had them under contract and he had to leave them behind when he was forced to move up Billy Folly Road!
Posted By: GaKaye

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/10/2023 03:34 PM

I believe tarpon were also the fish that were at Turtle Pier. Definitely fun to feed them.
Posted By: SXMScubaman

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/10/2023 03:56 PM

Yes. The Tarpon can be found all along the piers and walkways along Simpson Bay Lagoon.
Posted By: pat

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/10/2023 07:10 PM

Back when Uncle Harry’s was still there the tarpon used to put on quite a show every evening. They seemed to be attracted to the lights and if any foods happened to fall in the water, the feeding frenzy was a sight to behold.

I also was told many years ago they weren’t particularly good eating - way too boney to enjoy. 🙂🙂
Posted By: megamania

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/10/2023 07:19 PM

Not a fan of barracuda.....but I am a bit iffy on most type of fish etc swimming around me, lol....sorry I jsut am.....When we were out on a day trip,,,some got off to snorkel.....of course big chicken me stayed on board.....and the snorklers were feeding the fish,,,,one barracuda actually nipped a guys ear and drew blood....not sure exactly why or how,,,but boy was i glad I stayed on the boat!
Posted By: SXMScubaman

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/11/2023 05:36 AM

While Scuba diving my dive buddy had a shinny ring around his mask lens. Barracuda grabbed the mask off his face. Let go instantly but gave my buddy a pi××ing moment. Been around Tarpon diving many times. They are quite docile.
Posted By: boucharda

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/11/2023 11:45 AM

There are plenty of Tarpon at the dock behind Naked Pirate Rum Bar....probably the ones from Lee's move down a bit....and when they had lights facing the water below the drawbridge there were MANY of them swimming below
Posted By: snuba

Re: At Ocean 82 and ? - 02/11/2023 01:33 PM

There was a lot of them at the Turtle Pier, big ones too. Used to throw some food to them, sure was fun to watch. Miss that place....
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