
Mont Choisy Area

Posted By: Heather

Mont Choisy Area - 12/19/2015 01:25 PM

Good Morning: We rented a villa in Mont Choisy overlooking Happy Bay (5 min. walk) . 15 min. walk from Friar Bay. Do you know if we could walk from there to Grand Case restos and taxi home? Is it hard to get a taxi, there are 6 of us so we wonder if they have taxi vans. Also during the day we would like to take the public transportation to Phillipsburg and Marigot, does anyone know where we would catch it. First time to St. Marin obviously but hopefully not our last!!
Posted By: jeepers

Re: Mont Choisy Area - 12/19/2015 01:42 PM

Lots of taxis have 6 people taxi cabs. Gus has that & he built a 5 unit & a 4 unit absolutely lovely buildings on friars bay road so he isn't far from you. His number is 0690320611. His email is [email][/email] As for walking to grand case I would think not.its quite a distance & that sun is INTENSE.
Posted By: pony600

Re: Mont Choisy Area - 12/19/2015 05:17 PM

Too far to walk & dangerous regarding the traffic on that road.
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: Mont Choisy Area - 12/19/2015 05:51 PM

I do not think it would be practical at all to walk to Grand Case for dinner, as it is a long walk and probably after dark, which would NOT be advisable, from a safety standpoint. Restaurants in Grand Case could call you a taxi yes, but it could take a while for them to come. There are plenty of taxi vans in SXM, yes. Public transportation in SXM is NOT dependable at all, in terms of running on a schedule, etc., and would not be at ALL convenient to where you are staying. You would have to walk a LONG way to where you would pick up the bus, and you may wait an hour or more for them to come.

For a cab, if you decide to go that way, suggest you contact TTOL sponsor Wilfred Brooks. He has a large van, is a very safe driver and a heck of a nice guy. You could probably work out some type of a deal for him to be on call for you. You would need to get a phone to contact him, but you should do that anyway.

I have to ask, though, why is it that you are not planning on renting a car?? If it is to save money, I guarantee that you will spend more money in cabs than a rental car will cost. If you are worried about driving on island, it really is pretty easy, and they do drive on the 'correct' side of the road. If you are worried about drinking and driving, how many adults will you have? If you have at least 4 adults, designate one person as the designated driver each night and switch off.
Posted By: january

Re: Mont Choisy Area - 12/20/2015 02:30 AM

You are a short distance from public transportation. Go down the hill on Impasse du Mont Choisy, make a left and go to Rue de Happy Bay, turn right and walk a very short distance to Rout de la Savane, which is the main drag between Marigot and Grand Case. (This is how your driver from the airport will get you to your villa. Be careful! If you want to walk to Grand Case turn left. Walk to where the road makes a "Y". To the left is an international "Do Not Enter" sign. Turn left and you are in beautiful downtown Grand Case on Boulevard Leonel Bertin Maurice. On your way back you can walk westward on the beach past where you turned off, and stay on the beach until you pass the cemetery (cimetiere in French). Take a left and walk across the field a short distance and you are back on Rue de Happy Bay. I would do this only during the day. It would be very dark at night and a very good flashlight would be a must. You could also catch a bus from the main drag to downtown. All buses are privately owned vehicles, most of them look like VW buses. If it is a Dutch registered one the number plate will start with "BUS". On the inside of the windshield will be a sign saying the furthest distance it goes. Wave it down. There are bus stops but they will stop anywhere. When you get to your destination say "Please stop the bus." I is always good manners on the Island to say "good day" upon meeting someone, here the driver and fellow riders and " thank you, goodbye." The fare is $1.75 for the entire rout, over 65 free. When in doubt tell the driver where you want to go and he/she will tell you when you are there. Again politeness is key. Smiles beget smiles. Blank looks beget frowns. It's just the way things are. Remember this and your island experience will increase many fold.
To get to Marigot go right on the main road. Do not attempt it on foot unless your are an Olympic class mountain goat! Take a bus using the above instructions. Again day time only. I'M not sure about getting to Philipsburg, but it would be to the left on the main drag. If you see a windshield sign saying "Phillipsburg" you are in luck. If not flag it down, and after saying the magic words, "good day, how are you" ask the driver about bus service to Phillipsburg.
My final bit of advice is that when you leave the baggage area and past the glass doors is look across the hall and to your left across from the food court, and you will see "Dutch Delight", a small convenience store, go in, get a cold drink, a "Daily Herald" (A remarkably good locally published, English Language newspaper), and map of Saint-Maarten, Sint Maarten by Michal Kasprowski. The drink will cost $2-3 the paper $.75 and the map about $15. The map price might seem a bit high, but let me tell you it is worth every penny. You will be able to easily be able to follow my instructions on it and use to plan your outings. Remember to use the "magic words" at the cashier and you will be off to a great start on your island adventure. Have a great time and don't forget pictures and a trip report.
Posted By: january

Re: Mont Choisy Area - 12/20/2015 03:31 AM

I forgot to say that the distance from your villa to Grand Case is about one mile, and three and a half to Marigot. Also I have never seen that spelling in French before if it was spelled Mont Choisi, It would mean "carefully chosen mountain". You might also like to know that Grand Case means" big hut or shack Marigot is a no longer used word for marsh land and Happy Bay means happy bay. It would be Baie Heureuse in French.
Posted By: Heather

Re: Mont Choisy Area - 12/20/2015 12:44 PM

Thank you so much, I am going to print this out and give it a whirl!!!
I agree politeness and smiles are very important. Just returned from a trip to Chicago and I was overwhelmed by the locals kindness to us, we talked to everyone, mail carrier, bus driver, young men we met in bus stops, EVERYONE could not have been more helpful.
Posted By: january

Re: Mont Choisy Area - 12/20/2015 11:45 PM

You are right, kindness pays. Don't forget to pick up a map.
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