
An incredible morning in Sint Maarten

Posted By: pat

An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 10:39 AM

I've been out here on our balcony for the past half hour and I'm stunned by the beauty of the morning.

This whole week so far we've scarcely seen Saba because of the skies and puffy cloud cover, not to mention the rain clouds, and so often we've laughingly commented to each other - " Saba? She be gone! But she be back soon!" But not this morning.......she's sitting out there proudly in the distance for all to see.

[Linked Image]

And the Mullet Pond and lagoon area around The Towers and Pt. Pirouette is like a stationary mirror without a ripple to be seen anywhere.

[Linked Image]
I don't think I can remember it ever being that still. But sadly, there's not even the slightest breeze to be had so I'm thinking it's going to be a hot day, even for here and the airco will be needed for sure.

Our daughter and another Granddaughter will be arriving on the JB flight midday today and we have other family members arriving for a visit off one of the new all inclusive mega cruise ships so I know it's going to be a busy day all around.

And as I'm sitting here in the quiet of the moment with the sun streaming down, I realize I've just seen/heard my first moskie this trip so it's time to go inside and find the moskie spray and apply liberally if I'm going to continue to enjoy the balcony. Come to think of it, it's almost getting too hot out here to enjoy the quiet moments......

Have a nice day everyone and while realizing they won't quite be the same, I hope you all enjoy your day as I'm sure we will enjoy ours. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 10:49 AM


Hope travel is safe and without incident for those coming today. Have fun!
Posted By: SXMNorm

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 12:14 PM

Nothing like playing tour guide and hostess. Enjoy.
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 12:19 PM

Enjoy those quiet moments, before Hurricane Kim arrives! <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: pat

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 12:52 PM

Not too worried about Kim and Lyndsey but the other group will be interesting. Two kids aged nine and six who I hope will enjoy the pool; their Mom and Dad and their Grandma.......this would be Sarah's aunt and uncle on her Dads side of the family.

I'm sure it will be a little chaotic but fun, too, I know. Sarah's really looking forward to them being here and if it works for her then we'll all be happy. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />

Edit to read - just sent DH to the grocery to pick up some extra food and drinks for family of five. Family of five texted from ship and said the cab fare round trip was outrageous so they'd see us at home in a few weeks. We'd pick them up but between the work on Front Street and the size of our rental car that isn't doable either. Oh, well, the best laid plans of mice and men......and all that stuff. So I guess we'll do more lunching in........
Posted By: jollymonsrv

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 12:58 PM

Good morning. I agree on the beautiful morning here on island. Just a whisp of air movement. . Ocean is calm as is swimming pool surface. The overhead white clouds are reflected on pool and ocean. Happy winter is behind us.
Posted By: pat

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 01:22 PM

And where are you staying, jollymon? Good trip, I hope! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: The_Lurker

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 01:23 PM

Pat, isn't it amazing!! I love when it's so clear. We were headed to Anse Marcel, but decided it was too wonderful right here. We will probably go to Mullet, even though the water is nice here. I think it will be cooler under an umbrella near the water at Mullet today.
We had a ball swimming here at BSV yesterday--it was perfect.

We met some people sitting next to us at Izi last night, that lived 5 minutes from us in Ct.
The dinner was wonderful.
I posted one of them.Take a look
Posted By: PreK176

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 02:05 PM

Sorry it didn't work out the cruise ship group Pat, especially since you have the food! I know we pay $8/person (for more than 2 people) from airport to Marigot. Not sure what they were told for price. So what are they planning to do instead? Just stay in Philipsburg and shop? Hope you guys will have fun and enjoy another SXM day!!
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 03:34 PM

Sorry that didn't work out, but one wouldn't think the cab fare would be that much!
Posted By: pat

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 03:45 PM

They charged us eighteen dollars for three of us to come from the airport to here and it's $45.00 for three to go from here to Esperance Airport and both of those were one way quotes so who knows. And there are five of them. Not a big deal - would have been nice but I get it....... <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: jazzgal

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 04:39 PM

Lovely pictures (thanks to your "assistant" for posting). Sorry about the cruise ship visitors; seems as though they may have had an unscrupulous quote, but who knows.
Posted By: RonDon

Re: An incredible morning in Sint Maarten - 04/14/2016 08:40 PM

What beautiful photos. you are so lucky!
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