
Jan 02, 2014 Anegada Passage video

Posted By: eengstrom

Jan 02, 2014 Anegada Passage video - 01/09/2014 06:38 AM

Hi folks,

Wanted to share a bit before I can sit down and write up our trip report. Here's a 4 minute video oofa portion of our sail from Anegada to West End, Tortola on the morning of Jan 02.

Conditions were nice, 15 knots ene, swells 6 ft mean, east.

Just an amazing sail. The crew on the helm was in his third ever sail and just had a blast, not able to appreciate fully what a blessed day this was.

eengstrom Anegada Passage video 01-02-14

More as I can get to it.


Ps. I am not featured, but speaking but also braced in the companionway taking video.
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