
Trip Report - TTOL BVI 6/05

Posted By: islandplace

Trip Report - TTOL BVI 6/05 - 06/18/2005 05:38 PM

Where do I even begin. In all my travels to the islands I have never had such a grueling <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/toast.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/pirate.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/Banana.gif" alt="" /> time! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/Grin.gif" alt="" />
Arrived on the island fr DFW thru SJU with no problem. Made a quick run over to see Quito and then raced to TMM and "Cattitude"(This is a Beautiful Boat). Paul and Carolyn had graciously invited me to stay on the boat and I was really excited. Carol (Hill) was flying in thru STT and was also going to be staying onboard. It worked out terrific in that Carol was already aboard and enjoying her first glass of chardonnay when I arrived. I was greeted very warmly by Paul and Carolyn (owners of Cattitude). I was handed my first Pain Killer and all soon became right with the world After a quick tour of the boat (more on that later) we were off on our adventure in paradise. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/pirate.gif" alt="" /> The ride over to White Bay was extremely quick. I sat in one of two seats that hang off the front of the boat. Can't remember what they are called. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/duh.gif" alt="" /> It was a more than perfect way to get myself into the reality I was once again at home. Why do I ever leave??? (Bringing myself back down to reality it is because my 3 loves are in Dallas.) Anyway, the setting was absolutely beautiful. Only a couple of boats in White Bay. Paul and Carolyn do the anchor thing and all is set for the evening. Paul lowers the dinghy in the water and we are off to Soggy Dollar to meet up with Connie (Periwinkle) and Lance. It was soooo good to seem them. The last time I saw them was at Soggy dollar 2 years ago. Connie is one of the most delightful people I have ever met. She is always smiling. Said hello to KC and had another Pain Killer. Back in the dinghy with Connie and Lance to the Cattitude for dinner. Paul prepares chicken on the grill while Carolyn and I are putzzying in the kitchen with the salad, etc. I can't remember everything she served because there was always too much food. I do remember we had more wine and laughed and chatted the evening away. I was the first to turn in for a very a nice night of rest. My room was great. The air conditioner in fact was so strong that at some point during the night I turned it off and had only the fan on.
Woke up early. Carolyn had coffee ready and was categorizing cd's. Too much too early. Sat on the back of the boat enjoying the beautiful sunset when I see a nice big sailboat coming in. We figure out that its Jeff. Being the quiet Southern Belle that I am, I began yelling over at their boat. Sure enough it was Jeff & Christine. They swam over and we shared wet hugs and kisses. Christine is a hoot. She and I felt like we had known each other forever. She is too cute. Jeff is ok. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/Grin.gif" alt="" />
Connie and Lance check out of Sandcastle and join us on the boat. We head over to Sandy Cay for some snorkeling. I get my things together and there is no Periwinkle??? She had jumped overboard and was already snorkeling up to the island. From then on she became known as "Esther" as in Esther Williams. You can't keep that woman out of the water. We enjoy snorkeling and playing in the water and then I begin not to feel so well. This is where the story gets a little sour. I laydown on my towel but just not right. I know, I know, you are thinking I drank too much or am seasick. NOT! Would you believe dehydrated/heat. Get back on the boat and yes after 3 or 4 bouts of throw-- I lay on the bed for about an hour drinking water and then everything seemed to be back to normal.
Carolyn made a great lunch (of course) and we sang and drank and laughed some more. We headed on over to CGB to anchor for the night. Connie & Lance went to Mongoose, Carol went to Myetts and I was suppose to go to Sunset. Well, I forgot my hairdrayer and Ms. Rose didn't have one, Myetts didn't have one but Heritage Villas did. So, I stayed for the first time at Heritage. The view is Fantastic!!! Quick shower, dress and wait out on the road for someone to pick me up. Up the hill comes Darkie with the gang and now we are off to Sebastians!!
As I get out of the car I can see we have lots of TTOL folks inside! The first person I see was MAP (Maryann) my BUD!!!! Then Bill, Di, Fran & Karyl. It was like seeing family! Kisses and hugs for Nancy and Walker, Pickle & Uncle Fred. It was so wonderful seeing everyone and meeting all the new folks. What a wonderful idea this was. Had appetizers and cocktail. Uschi and staff were fantastic. Now back into the taxi and on to Jolly Rogers. They were prepared and waiting for us. Nice band. I had the spicy tuna and it was very good. Also had a "non-alcoholic" Mango Daiquiri which was very good. Said good night and off to bed as Saturday was to be a REALLY big day.
Got a taxi and headed over to Ms. Rose @ Sunset Apts. Took the morning visiting and catching up with her and the family. She is in good health and Columbus is still smiling.
Headed into RoadTown to get a birthday cake as a surprise for one of our TTOLrs. At the bakery I selected a standard birthday cake and asked for "Happy Birthday, Jeff". (Yes, we were surprising Jeff!! one of our moderators) The lady was very wonderful and when she was thru she said she hoped I didn't mind but she thought it needed a little more on the cake. She wrote, Happy Birthday Jeff, May God Bless You, and........ Anyway, I can't remember what all she wrote but I had a giggle inside because it was truly an island thing. I loved it.
Darkie picked me up in town and took me to Manpots. He knows Mal well as he does the driving for Mal as well. Lots of folks there. Map, Michael, Karyl and others all in the water. I'm off to hit the waves. Mals place is awesome. Right on the water. The work he has done is beautiful. Jeff is grilling burgers and dogs, lots of food on the table, time to eat. Julian Putley, wife Monique as well as Amanda and Jason, Davide and Cele join the party. We surprise Jeff with the cake and I mean we really surprised him. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/Smile.gif" alt="" /> This was such a great day.
Back to Sunset to clean-up and head to Quitos. Finally get all 50 of us upstairs for dinner. Poor Jaseph. The service was good and very accomodating. They gave each of us a complimentary glass of champagne with our dinner. Everyone seemed very happy with their meals. Quito began to play and that was our que to head downstairs. I want to say how wonderful everyone was when I received the dinner tab. Fran went around making sure everyone had paid, Jeff counted the money and it was as easy as that. $821.00 paid! and now we can really party.
Quito was on fire!! The place was packed. I probably once again was the first to turn in. Thanks to all of the guys and gals at Quitos Gazebo for a wonderful evening. Especially Quito and The Edge and Nicholas.
The next morning went to Big Banana for breakfast and visited with Michael Beans. He was leaving later that day or Monday to sail off to the South Pacific. I wish him and his girlfriend well. Hope to see him again one day.
That Sunday evening was Myetts. The group was dwindlng. Down to the hard core partiers now. Great dinner. Though Mal and I were stuffed from all the food we had been eating I tried his pepperpot soup and it was very good. Everyone began to leave and Mal and I wanted to continue on but Quito had closed and just didn't seem like it was meant to be. Home to Sunset for me.
Monday I moved over to my other mom's place..Naomi's Grapetree. I will stay the rest of my trip at Naomi's house. That afternoon picked up Carolyn and Paul and headed to Tamarind for one of their famous "Martinis". Paul and I both had one and I must say we enjoyed it. Visited with Pickle and then called Darkie to take us to Spaghetti Junction for dinner. The last evening of TTOL planned activities. My oh my this is wearing me out. Hard core group there. Cheryl fr Purple Pineapple met us. She looks great and seems to be doing well. I had steamed mussels and bruchetta and they were both good. Didn't plan to leave so early but SJ called a cab for me and he was ready to go!! So, dropped Carolyn and Paul off at Beef Island, Guest House and I headed back to Ms. Naomis.
Spent the next week cooking at the Grapetree, driving (for the first time!), and just general limin. This will be a trip I want forget.
Thank you to everyone!!! Send me an e/ when you get a chance.
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