
Sandcastle/Soggy Dollar JVD Trip Report

Posted By: BigJim

Sandcastle/Soggy Dollar JVD Trip Report - 10/03/2005 05:11 PM

August 2005 Trip Report part 2

After my great stay at Anegada it was another nice stay at Maria’s, had fun flirting with the ladies.

On the was to the ferry I stopped at Riteway for the Glen Morangie aged in Port and Madeira casks, one of each. Finally found them here but at twice the price.

Hit the ferry to JVD and saw a couple of familiar faces. Then is was back at Sandcastle, my summer home these last 8 years.

Roger, Sandy, Clair and KC where all there working hard. As usual they took my bags to my room and I stayed at the bar until 6 before finally going to unpack and shower for dinner. All I do in the room is sleep and shower. Lorna was there and sticking out as much as I do, baby Princess soon come. Met the Baby Daddy who is a new addition to Sandcastle…..Daniel. He is from Grenada as is Lorna. He was the reason she had a smile each time she was leaving for Grenada. Daniel is a hard worker and a fine addition to the Sandcastle family.

My buddy Chef Oliver showed up looking well, so we consulted on the menu. I was eating the soup and protein only for my dinners, his soups are amazing. And the main course, as always, was outstanding. I would eat a bit and then save the rest of the meat for the next night. It worked real well. No veggies or fruits yet. If it’s food it should be protein or pretty well blended as the soups are.
Chefs nights off I had leftovers so did not go to any of the other restaurants with the exception of a very nice lunch at Taboo.

K.C. has a new girlfriend, another Grenadian, so he was going down for September to see about buying something down there and just enjoy the island.

Debbie Callwood is the fill in bartender on K.C.’s days off and does a great job. She is personable, efficient and a great all round lady. She is also the mother of Jacob and Lorraine who you might have met while they were working in the Soggy Dollar boutique or over at Grandpa Foxy’s place. Jacob just graduated with honors and a scholarship to H. Levity Stout. Lorraine is now in the states working in a great program with kids and furthering her education.

Roger and Sandy are the new managers at Sandcastle……sort of. As most know Sandcastle is in the process of changing hands as it has been for the last 16 months. (They say maybe in October now). Roger and Sandy are working managers who will take over more responsibility under the new owners Jerry and Tish. They are fun to be around, do a great job and have a few ideas for the infrastructure as well as maybe adding a beach barbeque on a weekly basis. September is an off month with a lot of work being done. Roger has already rebuilt part of the bar roof and repainted the bar area, all the cottages and resurfaced the bar, all with Daniels able assistance. I think Jerry and Tish made a good choice in this couple.

Clair was just there a few days before she left to join her daughter and grand-daughter who came to visit a week and then she flew back with them for more time in the states. Those of you who know Clair know how she loved the Jazz Festival in New Orleans each year, I know she was devastated with what happened to her favorite place. Her daughter and grand-daughter were a lot of fun. It took a while for Julie to finally speak but when she did she opened up real well.

Once the weekend was over I got to see Tina, for those of you who don’t know her, she is a former ER nurse in Germany. As many Germans Tina is very organized and a great asset. Her husband Freddy is a JVD born and bred man who has a strong Christian faith to Tina’s strong lack of same. They are very entertaining and well fit for each other. Tina looked after me like only a sister would. I ended up with a staph infection that required some treatment, she not only helped herself but drove me a few times to the island nurse for anti-biotics, blood tests and treatment. She is a very caring and efficient person.

The next Saturday night was chef’s night off so the guests went out to eat. The manager’s had a dinner staff meeting scheduled and I was invited, it’s a chance for them to coordinate and just socialize. They take turns making dishes and have a great time. It poured rain that night, which I love since I don’t see that much at home, and I had a great time with people I have grown to like very much over the years.

Bruce and Debby came in several days after my arrival, the original plan was so they could sign papers for the transfer but once again that plan was thwarted by the lack of papers to sign. They have always been very gracious hosts. I felt a little guilty as August, 2004 I told them I would see them this year even though they had found a buyer several months prior. I think I might have jinxed them with that comment. I have a trite saying that my family knows well…..If it’s time to go, it’s time to go, in other words when something is over I don’t like to hang around. I’m sure Bruce and Debby are ready to start new adventures and hope they are able to finalize the sale soon. They are already planning a reunion of former guests to be held in Maine. If you are interested let me know and I’ll get you the information. I’ll sure miss them at Sandcastle but will keep in touch.

Jerry and Tish seem to be weathering this wait quite well. They are still positive but anxious to start this new chapter. Jerry is planning on strengthening the infrastructure and increasing boutique sales especially over the internet. Rest assured that he is not planning big changes, he likes the place for the same reason we all do……The Soggy Dollar Bar will live a long time.

During my stay there Bruce and Debbie had a 10 year anniversary party for the staff. It was a very nice dinner with the staff treated like guests with outside help in the kitchen and long time friends Donna and Gary. Donna is also known as the guest who never leaves. Each visit she seems to end up staying later to help fill in for one of the managers who has some time off. She was everywhere at once serving not only the staff but along with Gary also serving the guests who were relegated (happily) to the large table outside. Donna is also the lady who helped get the Sandcastle cookbook together and handled the shipping for the boutique internet orders. Both Donna and Gary are a lot of fun. I did have to rub it in to Donna that this was the first time in many trips that I have actually stayed longer than she was able.

The celebration was great and I got pictures of most everybody there which I have posted on my website at
Awards were given each staff member. The party was very well done. The ladies looked great. They really dolled up.

Jemilla…..what a great massage she gave. I think I just floated the rest of the day.

One very interesting thing I did was read a proof of a book by the guy who originally built Sandcastle from the ground up. Not as good as some of the more familiar books about West Indian life but very interesting.

TTOL’ers I met. Nashville Larry (aka sailingdog) and Melissa who can be seen here Then there was landcrab who I didn’t get to visit with long as I was recuperating from the earlier mentioned infection. Sharon came by to spend an afternoon, she was staying once again at Ivan’s where she is a fixture. Also met firstmateforlife who was there when I was out in my usual place. All these guys found my directions (look for the fat guy with a drink in one hand and a book in the other sitting in one of the bar chairs) very easy to follow. Then there was KSB and family. The light of my life was Esmerelda (back home name Karson) now there is a great kid. I don’t favor unruly kids around my vacation time and there were a lot of those, but this young lady was something else, I told her dad Jim that we could make some money off of her skill at the ring toss. She was good and so little that everyone was surprised at how well she did. They were staying down the beach at White Bay Villas but were by most days during their stay. After their return they found that two new members would be joining the family when mom gives birth. (Just heard they are twin girls!!!) What a great family and I hope to see them in on future trips.

I want to thank onpond who I did not meet but after a perusal of the Soggy Dollar Drink board I noted had left me two PK’s. Thank you for that.

I’m truly sorry to have missed Mike and his family (Jeannius). I had met them before but looked forward to seeing them again.

Over the last several (4-5?) years a couple I met, Kim and Kelly, have come over from their St. John home to spend a long weekend at Sandcastle during my stay. Each are great. You may see Kim there occasionally helping bus the area and helping behind the bar. She is hard to miss and fills out her bikini nicely. This year it was Kim with friends Mike and Tom, both have businesses on St. John as well. Kim’s is the Pampered Pause where manicures and similar services are performed.

On the hill above White Bay toward St. Thomas they have carved steep paths for the purpose of creating roads and making lots for sale. I believe I heard there were to be approximately 50 lots but don’t know. It just looks scarred right now. I also understand that the Diamond Cay development was due to start construction shortly. They sure got that through quickly. Word is Branson got Mosquito but cannot develop it commercially must be kept private. Heard Dr. Jarecki was looking at another property and that the BVI investment club has several in mind. The place is growing by leaps and bounds.

For those of you who want the Caribbean as it used to be go to Anegada, it is a wonderful place with friendly people and a slow pace, I will continue to visit regularly. That said JVD remains my favorite with a beautiful location, both have great bars and wonderful people who have enriched my life.
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