
January Trip report Anegada (JVD to come)

Posted By: BigJim

January Trip report Anegada (JVD to come) - 02/22/2007 02:48 AM

I posted about my difficult trip down on Jet Blue going through New York so won’t dwell on that unpleasant experience.

Got to Maria’s which has become my Tortola home. They had a big party going on so went out to eat at about the only place I could find open on Sunday night, let’s just say it’s a franchise establishment I usually avoid. Got back to Maria’s and sat at the bar for a drink. Maria came up to sit and we talked quite some time. She’s always interesting and a good hostess. They have made a great improvement at the hotel with an elaborate outdoor cover for a great dining area, it overlooks Road Harbour and is adjacent to the pool. It is already quite popular. Since I like to pamper myself I was going to avoid the a.m. ferry and take the afternoon ferry to Anegada. This gave me time to sleep a bit and not rush out plus run a couple errands. Ferry left right on time and made a quick trip of it. Two couples trying to get to Neptune’s but Jerry was taken and I finally found Tony so off we went. A bit of manpower shortage on arrival so I checked the book for the appropriate rooms and got them shuttled off so I could sit at the bar. I worry about luggage and unpacking after I close the bar down. Randy had a bad tooth infection and poor Linda had some long-lasting nasal infection, so they were out of commission for a couple days. Geannette and George were there to take care of things until Sally arrived. They are a good team. Singin Sally and her chocolate, she thanks the many folks who have heard of her addiction and help her with supplies.

The wi-fi had been having trouble so worked on that, but one issue was the portable house phones worked on the same frequency and cut off the connection everytime the phone was in use. Very frustrating. A couple of days later we got the new phones in that work on a different frequency and all was well.

Shortly after my arrival I got poor not feeling very well Linda out so she could present the laptop she had asked me to bring down for Vernon as a birthday gift. I told him I heard he was complaining about it not getting there so I hoped on a plane and took it to him. (made the reservations just a few days ahead of departure). I think he believed that was the only reason I was there at first. He is sure a great guy. Vernon is 75 and worked hard all of his life, he has had no experience on the computer and like many does not have the typing skill that helps so much. Plus spelling is always an issue. With these handicaps, he picked up on the computer much better than everybody expected. With it he quickly learned to email, check weather and Skype . I kidded him that the real reason he wanted it was to create a spreadsheet to keep track of all his lady friends and their expected arrival and departure dates.

On the Saturday before I left two couples were going to Cow Wreck for dinner and Randy and I were going to join them. I knew we had made no dinner selection and when I checked with Randy about 5 he said something had happened and George couldn’t work the bar so he would have to stay. Not wanting to be the fifth wheel I decided to stay as well. Well about 6:30 or 7 the phone rings and I overhear Randy telling Belle we wouldn’t be there, I hadn’t realized Randy hadn’t called to cancel. When I heard Belle had fixed a dinner for me I jammed out of there and set a record getting to Cow Wreck. Belle is a wonderful lady and I had no intention of standing her or her food up. Walked straight into the kitchen and she was just starting to put the food in take out containers. Well that trip was worth it many times over. I got a great smile from her and a hug, plus about the best lobster I’ve ever had. It was sweet, moist and unlike so many I’ve had it was tender not chewy kind of melted in my mouth. I rarely have lobster anymore no matter where I am. But was sure happy she decided to cook one for me. Belle also has a homemade hot sauce that I am trying to duplicate. If you are there and try it do so very sparingly as it packs a punch……just ask Alex or Davide.

Had a good time during my days at both Cow Wreck and Big Bamboo. Aubrey of Big Bamboo and I go back over 20 years ago from when he had a bar by the same name on Virgin Gorda. He had a buddy named Spooge who worked on the Flying Cloud who used to make sure we got over there. Spooge now lives on Anegada and works at the Electric plant, if you see a salt and pepper haired bearded white English fellow who looks like he’s shipwrecked walking a dog with a rope as a leash that’ll be Spooge. Aubrey’s band would play and I would dance the night away. I probably partied hardier there than I did in my college days and that’s saying a lot.

Whenever at Cow Wreck I meet TTOLer’s. It is amazing, not a day goes by when there that I don’t meet at least a couple of TTOL folks. Alex says he is finally used to strangers coming up to the bar and knowing who he is. What a great place.

This was a short trip… only a week on Anegada but for a last minute surprise I took what I could get. So it was off on the Monday a.m. ferry. Which was on time and quickly back to Roadtown.

JVD report yet to come.
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