
Trip Report-it's kind of long....

Posted By: amurphy08

Trip Report-it's kind of long.... - 07/19/2007 06:54 PM

Hey everyone, I'm trying to make this short and just give highlights.... yea right.
Tortola/Anegada July 4th-11th. My first trip to Anegada. Like everyone says, it’s just a horrible place.

July 4th:
CLT to STT -uneventful flight and no delays!!
Arrived via ferry to WE and grabbed a cab to Rhymer's. Checked in, dropped my bags, cleaned up and headed to Myett's. Met Malcolm,Debbie & Jack, LandCrab and Wanda, Brendenny and crew. Prince had a bushwacker for me, he remembered!
Afer a couple cocktails and a great sunset, headed to The Elm for BBQ and music. Great first night!

July 5th:
Walk on the beach first thing in morning,met some nice locals, got some sun and started to get my first beer of the day and I see Malcom coming down the beach. We had a beer and then decided to go to Stanley's for lunch. Yummy cheesburger and great conversation with Malcom.
More sun and swimming and beer of course!
Finally hooked up with a friend from SC at Quito's for H.H., more cocktails, then we were taken to the roadside bar for some shots with Juney(sp) from Ole Works. What a wonderful person she is. I don't know what the shot was, but it was powerful and interesting. <img src="" alt="" />
I was going to go back out later, but kind of crashed out. Had to get up early for ferry to Anegada.

July 6th:
Ferry to Anegada at 7a.m.- nice ride and great views. Dropped my bags at Neptune’s and headed to Cow Wreck for the day. Watched some kick [censored] women kite surfers, read, drank and enjoyed the day. Had some fun with “the girls” of Cow Wreck. So cute! Belle was there but Alex is out of town. Bummer…
Headed back to Neptune’s got cleaned up, took a nap and then went to eat. Low and behold, who is sitting there but Big Jim! I had no idea he was coming to Anegada. Apparently he didn’t tell anyone. Met Vernon and Randy. What an awesome family. That Vernon is something else. Sat at the bar with everyone and talked and drank, had an AWESOME tuna dinner. Vernon was kind enough to sit with me while I ate….. <img src="" alt="" />

July 7th:
Had a yummy breakfast at Neptune’s. Met Linda, LOVE her, just like the rest of the family. Rental car arrived via Henny and off I go after a quick stop at Purple Turtle for water . My first stop of the day was Loblolly , another beautiful beach and enjoyed a good portion of the day there. Kite surfers were there as well. Did a lot of walking and swimming, snorkeling. Saw about a 3-4ft shark but I don’t know what kind it was. Headed to Cow Wreck for the remainder of the day. Big Jim and Belle were having a conversation and I was the only other person there. Had a great walk and played with the girls a bit. Then I got a lesson in how to “shell a conch.” ?? from Janesha and the girls. One of the highlights of my trip. Those girls are something else.

Watched the sunset while sitting on the dock at Neptune's having a glass of wine. Saw the flamingos fly by. What a site at sunset. Unfortunately my picture did not turn out well and you can’t really see them. Oh well, I have the memory.
Dinner at Neptune’s again, with Vernon, great fish and great company with Randy, Big Jim, Dean and Mark and Mark’s son. Called it an early night.

July 8th:
Off to Flash of Beauty for the morning. Unbelievable snorkeling, saw lots of fish and turtles. Then I went and drove around the whole island. The beaches are unbelievable, the salt ponds very cool. I found my favorite place of the trip and I don’t know the name of the beach I stopped, but I was the only one there. Seemed like I was on the end of the earth and I loved it.It was down from The Sands. I want to go back now after thinking about it. Stopped at Cow Wreck for a couple beers and some more swimming and walking.
Dinner at Neptune’s , great lobster and more conversations with all the “boys.” I am getting depressed about going back on the ferry on Monday. I decide to take the later ferry because JD, Judy and girls are coming from VG.

July 9th:
Finally get out and about and I meet JD, Judy, Caitlin and Tara in person for the first time. They were talking with Vernon and Big Jim. What great people! Seem like a lot of fun. Took my rental car back , then rode with Big Jim to Cow Wreck and met everyone. I had a blast with JD, Judy, her girls, met Tara (taraposa) and we all hung out all day.Alex was finally back. What a fun day in the surf with beers, I almost forgot I had to catch the 5p.m. ferry. Big Jim was kind enough to take me back to Neptune’s to get cleaned up and say good bye to everyone. So sad, off to ferry and said good by to Big Jim and saw the whole Soares family coming in on the boat. Lots of children, grand children in town for a while. Sorry I’m missing everyone. Low and behold, who do I see on the ferry dock, or who sees me are all the girls and Belle from Cow Wreck. Hugs all around and goodbye’s. Can’t wait to see them next year.
Nice ride back to Tortola. Back to Rhymer’s and headed down to Myett’s to meet Michelle. Had a couple drinks, caught up with Debbie and watched the sunset. Got cleaned up, headed back to Myett’s for dinner and there is Malcolm and Robin. Malcolm introduced Michelle and I to two of the new lifeguards Stephen and Jeremy. What nice guys and very easy on the eyes….. Michelle and I decided to try and get Julian to take us to JVD on Thursday.
Michelle and I had some more drinks and then called it a night. Quito’s closed on Monday. Bummer.

July 10th:
Headed down to the beach to meet Michelle and Malcolm and find Julian. After a little waiting , he decides to take us to JVD about 11. What can I say, JVD is about my favorite place in the world. Mic wasn’t working but had awesome Painkillers, lunch , met some people, more painkillers, swimming. Malcolm and I went to see Ivan and got caught up with him a little. We were the only one’s there and he was cleaning his boat. Did a little more swimming and headed back to SDB. Started back to Tortola about 3:45, so sad to leave. I had a tear in my eye. Just like leaving Anegada.
Michelle and I decided to go to Bananaakeet for H.H. and drinks. Those fish tacos are to die for!!William does a great job with the food there.Everyone is awesome. Ended up staying for a long time. Prince from Myett's showed up with his fiancé (awesome lady) and kept buying us drinks. Also met Cheryl from Purple Pineapple. What a nice lady and her husband and friends were great. Too bad I didn’t bring her grits. She’s picking them up in the morning.
Ok, it’s only 9p.m. and Michelle and I decide to head over to Quito’s. Had a blast hanging out with the guys from Quito’s and the lifeguards again. Couldn’t have asked for a better last day in the ilons.

July 11th:
Michelle drives me to the ferry and I head back for STT and then home . Boo Hoo.
I don’t want to leave as usual. Great trip, great people and hopefully I can make it back before the end of the year. I am all excited for the flotilla next year on Jeannius with everyone.

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