
11/20-12/1 trip report

Posted By: neworleanslady

11/20-12/1 trip report - 12/10/2007 03:53 PM

DIF is hitting hard…it’s humid, 80 degrees and the Christmas music is driving me nuts! <img src="" alt="" /> So I figured it’s time to write a trip report…

I met my Cap’n at Red Hook Wed 11/20. (he went a day early to do provisioning and boat check out so that we could sail out on Thanksgiving Day) I bellied up to the bar at Molly Malone’s and began my rum binge right away. Rick pours a nice drink! <img src="" alt="" /> Ouch.
We somehow managed to find our boat in the harbor and spent a rough night sleeping in the cockpit about 200 yards from the ferry dock on a mooring ball.

We headed to Soper’s Hole and hung there for the day and did Thanksgiving at Jolly Roger. The food was great! Only problem was finding something to wash it down with.

On Friday we made the journey over to Leverick Bay. My sea legs had not kicked in yet so it was a long day for me. HOWEVER! Just hearing Nick on the phone when I called to confirm our slip reservation perked me up right away. I can’t say enough about this guy…There’s nothing like being greeted with a big hug by someone you’ve never even met! <img src="" alt="" /> He couldn’t have been more accommodating as we got settled in. The evening started off slow for us and then with the Jumbies came rain. We were finishing off our bottle of wine under the gazebo and about to head back to the boat when Nick came over and got us to hang on the other side of the bar with the FUN PEOPLE. The Necker Island staff were definitely having a good time. We had a great time with Nick and Monica and I think we’ve made friends for life. What a special couple! (I hope to report soon that they are accepting our invite to come to New Orleans. C’mon Nick…Monica REALLY wants to see New Orleans!!!)

We then headed over to Trellis to be there for the FMP. We were thrilled to get one of the few remaining balls in the bay near The Last Resort. It was PACKED. Our plan was to settle in, then do happy hour on Wildcat before the FMP. Well….we were napping and heard a bunch of commotion. We went on deck to find 4 or 5 dinghys pulling/pushing a boat that had run aground between our boat and the rocks. It was quite a circus…the captain was a female and her crew was a guy who didn’t say a word…he was mostly circling around the boat in the dinghy waiting for instructions that never came. SOOoooooo then she decides to try to squeeze in between our boat and the boat just ahead of us…She motored right into our mooring line as we scrambled to grab fenders as we could see what was about to happen. By this time, everyone on nearby boats were watching the show. She backed up to free herself and took off again only to catch it with her dink. The fenders were no defense against her bow sprit…I watched her anchor take out a huge chunk of teak from our beautiful Island Packet. Just about then she said, “sorry, I’m guessing you guys were just enjoying your afternoon tonic…Oh well, that’s sailing” <img src="" alt="" /> She somehow got free and TOOK OFF! We got the name of the boat as we watched her head toward Nanny Cay. A guy in an orange dink came around and I told him what happened. He followed them and got the name of the charter company for us. By now, everyone on the nearby boats is hooting and hollering enjoying their beverages and snapping pictures. It was priceless. A man from a nearby Cat came over to exchange names with us because he got the whole thing on video. It was about 4:30 now so we figured things would calm down…NOT. We watched as several boats tried to get on balls that were way too close to other boats. 2 or 3 other crews were sitting on their decks with fenders waiting for the next accident. Needless to say, we missed happy hour but did make it to the FMP. I was introduced to the rest of the crew of Sailaway Free and we made our plans for Anegada the next day.

The sail to Anegada was incredible. This was my first time not being able to see land while sailing. We were happy to have Sailaway Free to show us the way. What can I say that hasn’t been said about this beautiful place. Dean was as nice as could be. You guys talk about the roads but I had no idea. I think my fillings are all loose now. We ate aboard Sailaway Free on Sunday night and had a blast. Monday we spent much of the day at Cow Wreck….wow, wow, wow. Monday night we had a great dinner at Neptune’s. Awesome. Beautiful place. Words don’t do it justice. <img src="" alt="" />

The plan for Tuesday was to head to JVD. Mike and I took off as planned with hopes of hooking up with our new friends (Sailaway Free) at Soggy Dollar. Well….we opted for Cane Garden Bay as time was not on our side. We could hear the crew of SF hailing for their captain on Anegada at 1:30 so we knew their plans had changed as well. We had a great dinner at Bananakeet. You guys are right, that view is amazing! After dinner we had the wonderful pleasure of hearing Quito. <img src="" alt="" /> I didn’t know what to expect but I’ve got to tell you I was blown away. …as much by his lyrics as his sincerity and voice. I bought 2 CD’s and got a pic with Quito and an autograph.

On Wednesday, we went to see Jason at Ocean’s 7, Peter Island. (Great Harbor?) Very peaceful bay. The boat that hit us at Trellis was next to us! We saw them at the bar and I introduced myself…she barely said a word. A “very interesting, open minded” group showed up on a power boat….let’s just say they were sharing the love. –I’m still not sure how one clears customs with a Sawz-All Reciprocating saw. (go ahead, let your mind wander) <img src="" alt="" />
By some miracle of God, we hailed our friends from Sailaway Free. (sans captain) They were at Conch Charters in Road Town hiring a new captain to finish their trip. (I’LL LET SOMEONE FROM SAILAWAY FREE TELL THEIR STORY…UN-FREAKIN-BELIEVABLE) Jason helped us out by sending their “ferry” over to pick them up and we had a GREAT night. It is very obvious that this is going to be the place to be. Jason has a great set up there. He said he should have 70 mooring balls by January. There will be a sports bar totally separate from the other bar/restaurant area complete with Satellite TV! It’s going to be awesome. Forget Norman Island, go see Jason!

We finally made it to JVD on Thursday. Fun with painkillers and the ring toss for hours…weird how that provides so much entertainment, huh? We strolled down to Seddy’s just as our Sailaway Free buddies arrived with their new captain, Mauricio…the Italian Stallion! Fun with Raquel and Seddy…magic tricks, etc. One of the SF crew-Jimmy- built a Tiki Bar in Canada. He showed a pic of it to Seddy and Seddy challenged him to ‘step it up”….he got this HUGE fishing net with Styrofoam balls and all, dirty and smelly and put it in a suitcase and challenged Jim to take it back to Canada to hang in his tiki bar! Seddy proceeded to throw in other memorabilia as the day went on. I am glad to report that the suitcase did make it to Canada! What a fun day.

On Friday we went to Sandy Spit to take pics and bid adieu to our Sailaway Free friends. Mike and I headed to Brandywine Bay. I swear if there were a camera on us, you guys would have had the show of a lifetime. The balls in the bay have no lines on them. I’m too embarrassed to say the things we tried before our senses kicked in and I took a line in the dink and tied it to the ball then grabbed it with the hook. <img src="" alt="" /> I can’t say enough about our night there. Davide was the best. The new sitting area under the tent is beautiful. Complete change of pace from the previous 5 days. We didn’t have any tapas because I wanted to save myself for the meal. The tapas menu looked great and we will definitely check it out next time. We enjoyed our martinis under the tent and then we were shown to our table “upstairs”. I forget our waitresses name but I understand she is the spouse/mate of one of the cooks. She was great. Actually, they all were. Very attentive and nice as could be. I’ll save the details for my food forum but the food was amazing! was the wine…and the after dinner drinks back under the tent. (thank you Davide!) My only regret is not having gone here earlier in the trip because I guarantee you we would have gone more than once. I don’t understand how Davide stays under the radar. We’ve dined in some great restaurants from San Francisco to New York and of course, here in New Orleans…I’d put Davide’s food up against ANY of them. (yes, we are as passionate about food and wine as we are about sailing)
Mike was a little anxious about the bay because it’s pretty shallow, then he scoffed about having to get dressed. (he wore <white linen>shorts but was the only one and regretted it…) then he moaned about the dinghy dock, then he struggled walking up the hill….HOWEVER, as soon as we ordered our martinis, he said, “this place is great”…So I know we will never miss at least one visit there every time we’re in the BVI’s. If you haven’t been, do yourself a favor and get there.

The Sailaway Free crew are certain to be friends for life. We're already exchanging pics/emails and I have a feeling we'll be "redezvousing" together soon!

I returned home on Saturday 12/1 and have been miserable ever since. <img src="" alt="" /> The end.
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