
Just returned

Posted By: BadgerSailor

Just returned - 02/08/2008 01:59 PM

We just returned (the room is still swaying) from seven days sailing in the BVI. Small craft warnings everyday, but sailed with one reef in, sometimes w/jib. Route was Road Town - Cooper Island - Leverick Bay - Anegada - Trellis Bay - Little JvD - Peter Island. Some random information others might find useful.
- We found only 4 (that's right, four) mooring balls at the Indians. Last year there were at least a dozen. It looked like Monkey Point moorings had been recently replaced/repaired. Some of the less popular spots were terrific, like along the shoreline of Little JvD, the Cistern at Cooper and Buttonwood Bay.
- Cow Wreck Beach was definitely the highlight of our dinners ashore. It provoked a serious debate about staying another day at Anegada, but the lure of better snorkeling prevailed.
- We saw a record high of three sea turtles in Trellis Bay.
- Buttonwood Bay on Peter I. is still our favorite anchorage. Oceans Seven restaurant only made it better, although a bit more crowded.
- We have GOT to get our own snorkeling gear. Any suggestions for high function and easy transport would be appreciated.
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