
Goodbye Tortola, Back in Seattle

Posted By: beachgirl

Goodbye Tortola, Back in Seattle - 12/31/2001 04:48 PM

We had so much fun on this trip. Corbin, Bob and I are enjoying showing off our tans here at home. Although I have been in the Islands several times in the past it has always been via charter boat. This was the first time I really got to spend any extended time on land in Tortola. It was the very first trip for Corbin my 11 year old, and Bob my new husband. I loved seeing their faces experiencing this beautiful place. A run down on our trip:<br>The Flights:<br>Security was tight and I have to say I really appreciated that and it made me feel secure. We got through everywhere pretty quickly, no real long lines in Seattle or anywhere. We carried on all our luggage so didn't have to deal with that line. The one major drag for us is the 12 plus hours it takes to get there. But we made it.<br>Our Lodging:<br>The Lighthouse Villa penthouse was beautiful. What a view. And that driveway is steep, but managable just like a lot of you on here said. Malicia is a real sweetheart and made us feel right at home. She even arranged to have a car there for us so we didn't have to hassle with that. Also, I have to say, she is one snappy dresser and has a beautiful tropical wardrobe that I envy! We had a full kitchen that we really didn't put to use much. My take on it is I work hard to get there and I am going to enjoy myself. I like to eat out,see new people and hate to do dishes! <br>Shaggy:<br>Shaggy was a lot of fun. I felt kinda sorry for the opening bands because they seemed to be experiencing some tech difficulties and the crowd was not putting off a lot of energy.I think they where chomping at the bit for Shaggy. The whole thing got started really late. I wasn't sure if Corbin was going to make it. Alot of pre-teen kids where there and they where all drooping pretty good by the time Shaggy came on at around 1:30. But they all perked up and we danced, had a great time and got in bed by 4:00.<br>The Food:<br>We managed to hit Sky World, Myetts (lots), Pussers, Jolly Roger, Quitos, Stanelys, Big Bananna, Virgin Queen, and I may be forgetting one. Don't miss the view at Sky World. Our favorite dinner was at Big Bananna which I don't read much about on here. My favorite lunch was Myetts Spinach Mushroom wrap, yum. Also we shopped at Bobbys for the little bit we ate in. I have always brought some stuff along in the past. Never ever again. This time I went with the advice from people on here and you are right. Bobbys has EVERYTHING! No reason to lug along stuff. And the prices are not out of line at all.<br>The Wedding:<br>Yep,it happened. I have to say on the first day we where running around getting the paperwork in order I was a little afraid it woulnd't happen. (ok a lot afraid) I had some problems with my divorce papers, the spelling of my name on my passport vs the papers and we ended up having to get an attorney and jumping through all kind of hoops. I have to admit I was in tears by the end of the day. We needed three working days for the license and we had Christmas and Boxing Day to deal with. But the attorney was wonderful and made phone calls and went way beyond the call of duty. Should any of you need an attorney there, well hopefuly not. Also the registar was really great. She got special permission to marry us on Boxing Day which is a really big holiday there. As for the wedding party, we met a fun, fun group of people. One family had kids Corbins age so we hung out the whole time. That provided us with our wittness's, two flower girls, and basically a whole spur of the moment wedding party. A really sweet older couple we met came and took pictures so that Corbin could fufill his duties of bestman, ring bearer, and videoing. We did it right outside Myetts, and the Sandman brought fresh picked island flowers for me and the flower girls. It turned out to be everything I have been dreaming about, beautiful natural setting, wonderful warm people, and finally marrying the man who has been one of my best friends for 16 years, & loves me like crazy. <br>Night Life:<br>I can't say enough about everyone at Myetts. They are the most wonderful people. We had a blast partying there. We spent most our evenings there if there was a band or not. They are fun, great people and will always hold a warm spot in our hearts. Sandman even gave us a ride to the airport. We had fun dancing at Quitos also. He pulled in a big crowd the night he performed with the Edge. We went to Jolly Roger one night and they had live music. The power went off but they just took a few minutes to fire up the generator and where back in business.<br>Bits & Pieces:<br>I didn't know they had Iguana's. There was a huge one hanging out around Myetts and we watched the kitty cat and him in a fierce stare down for awhile.<br>Christams morning at around 5am we where woke up by the sound of singing. There where Christmas carolers! We all talked about it on the beach, and agreed it was a beautiful sound and no one minded being woke up.<br>One bit of bad luck. On our 4th day there I stubbed a toe hard against a beach chair metal part(ouch!!) stuck in the sand. I did not go to a doctor, but everyone aggred that it looked like it was dislocated and possiby broken. My foot swelled up huge and turned all kinds of pretty colors. It only slowed me down a bit. From that day on I could not do the driveway up to Lighthouse so thank goodness for the rental car. Other then that, how hard is it really to lay on the beach? My painkiller lifting hand was in good shape, I was able to limp along with help to the water the next day and really I think I did ok.<br>So we're home now but give our trip the most [Linked Image] you can have. We'll be back as soon as we can.<br><br>
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