
Back in the BVI's... with Pics and Dolphins!!

Posted By: CaptainRick

Back in the BVI's... with Pics and Dolphins!! - 11/05/2008 10:52 PM

Hi Everyone!

First off, I'd like to thank all those who sent in video clips for the DVD I've been working on with Michael Beans... much appreciated and we should have some news for you soon!

It's been a great summer of sailing and chartering down island in the Southern Caribbean... we left the BVI'S back in late June and did a complete island tour as we made our way down to our summer hangout in Grenada and the Grenadines. Was a fantastic journey with lots of adventures and stories collected along the way... and now it's great to be back in the BVI's!!

We just sailed in yesterday at dawn while sailing through the Salt Island Cut with a beautiful sunrise on one side of the boat, and a spectacular rainbow on the other... it was a true BVI rain squall that I've come to miss so much, and provided much needed fresh water to wash all the salt off the boat from a 2-day offshore voyage from Dominica!

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Beautiful offshore sunset leaving Dominica

We left Grenada about 2 weeks ago with stopovers in St Lucia to get some boat projects done, and host a party put on by our friend Maggi in Marigot Bay... a Pirate/Wench costume party that we flew Michael Beans in to perform for a local crowd of about 100 guests... it was a fundraiser for a local childrens orphanage and Michael put on a great show! After a quick stop in Dominica for the Creole festival and to meet up with some friends, we set sail at dusk for the BVI's and now here we are!

We'll be publishing our travel logs from the entire trip with details, stories, pictures and video from the BVI's and all the major islands South of here, and putting them out to our mailing list shortly. I've posted a link here to our latest video which we ran into a huge pod of dolphins and they swam with the boat for over a half hour... was very cool! If you want to receive our email logs, there is a sign-up form on the page with the new sailing video, you can enter your address there and then you'll receive them automatically. We'll be putting out emails all winter about all our favorite places in the BVI's as we charter through the winter season.


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Beautiful BVI sunrise!

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Rainbow shining on Tortola!

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The other end over Peter Island

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Captain Rick happy to be sailing back in the turquoise waters of the BVI's!

We've literally just arrived back in the islands and are now wrapped up in the Charter Yacht Boatshow in Roadtown for the next few days... and then looking forward to seeing those friends again that we haven't seen in sooooo long! It was great to experience the entire Caribbean this summer, but there truly is no place like home in the BVI's! We'll be based in Trellis Bay again when not chartering, so if you're in the neighbourhood be sure and stop by and say hi!
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Enjoy, and we'll see you soon!
Rick & Kira
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