
Trip Report 9/10-9/19

Posted By: Lynette

Trip Report 9/10-9/19 - 09/22/2004 01:32 PM

Although this was our 13th trip to St. Martin, I only learned about TTOL right before our trip last year. I have really enjoyed keeping in touch with what’s happening over the past year and picking up tips that make visiting the island all that much better.

Several recommendations from TTOL which we used for the first time garner high endorsements from us: Sharon Harris for cell phone (, Lesley Bruce at Kenny’s Car Rental (, and Jeff at DK Gems (we just missed Deepti who left for the States that morning).

After having used our AT&T calling card in previous years and returning home to outrageous phone bills, Sharon’s cell phone was cheap and easy. We have a young daughter who stays at her grandparents while we are away, and we like to check in with her a couple of times during the week (no calls to the office though!) Last year I tried to have my own cell phone converted at CellularOne but they were not able to get it to work. They rented phones for $5/day + $20 phone card, but we decided not to do that as our 10 day stay would have been a minimum of $70. In the end, we would have come out ahead since our AT&T bill came to over $80 for 3 short calls (one answering machine pickup was $8 for a minute). But you never know. Anyway, Sharon’s $36 (with 2 extra days) for 50 minutes was worth it, with several minutes left over. It was nice to be able to give the grandparents a number to call in case of emergency, too.

Car rental from Lesley Bruce at Kenny’s worked out great, too. We had usually used Thrifty or Avis in the past and although we had never had any trouble (such as some TTOLer’s have reported), decided that using a local company and getting the car right at the airport would be worth trying. Kenny’s is the only one I emailed; first choice due to airport check-in; very quick email response; thought the price was reasonable so stuck with it. We did shift our arrival by one day after the initial reservation, but just emailed Lesley and he confirmed no problem. So we were looking forward to walking out of the terminal, seeing our name on a sign and off we go. To our surprise, no one was there and we didn’t know what to do. Did he forget that we changed our arrival? We waited for a few minutes, actually got into a taxi and asked to be taken to Kenny’s car lot, but they didn’t know where that was and of course we didn’t have an address or phone. Got out of the taxi, stood there another minute and here comes Lesley. Similar situation as Frostie reported: we got out of the terminal sooner than expected, being the first ones off the plane, first ones through customs, no checked baggage. Regardless of all that, everything else was as anticipated – sat in the car with the AC on, filled out minimal paperwork, CC imprint and off we go. Still better than waiting for a shuttle to the unairconditioned Thrifty office. Drop-off at departure was even easier. Lesley was standing there as we pulled up at the terminal at the appointed time.

Stopped at Le Grande Marche at the traffic circle to stock up on groceries and drinks. We usually get breakfast and lunch food for the room and eat out at night. I think I like Le Grand Marche better than Rams, feels a little newer and cleaner (and definitely better than Match in Marigot which, understandably, has a lot of unfamiliar French labels.)

So off we go to Club O, arriving on Friday afternoon. We had time to unpack and get settled in, fix a “We’re Here!” drink then get to Papagayos for Happy Hour. The sand at Orient Beach is the best we’ve seen it in many years. All the recent storms don’t seem to have affected it or at least have made it better. A wide enough expanse at Papagayos (last year the surf was lapping at the corner) all the way down, never in danger of getting a rogue wave washing up to your chair (as has happened in the past).

Saturday, Sunday and Monday were beautiful beach days. Great weather. No cruise ships. Sand gravity sets in. Sunday was a little hotter with not as much wind. We did walk down to Baywatch for lunch on Saturday and it was nice to visit with Cheryl, although Andy was not there at the time.

We haven’t been ones to venture out to “party” at night much, but thought we’d go down to Sunset Beach Bar on Saturday evening to watch the sunset and figured it might be a popular place that time of the week. It looked promising with a lot of people there and a band setting up. I thought I might try to “drink for free”, but no one else was and with so many people around I chickened out. Before we ordered our first drink, my husband realized he forgot his wallet. No money, no credit card, no nothing. So we had no choice but to go back to Orient. It ended up being Karaoke night at Papagayos, and there was a lively bunch there, so we had fun with a little dancing.

As always in St. Martin and at Club O, we met some fun and interesting people, especially Crazy Chris and Melissa from Ohio and 4 couples from Holland who didn’t know each other before they got there. And it’s always fun to renew acquaintances with people who we’ve met in previous years and come back the same time as we do. Sorry we missed Carol & Eric, Contessa and others who I know are there this week.

Monday night we ventured into Grand Case with Chris and Melissa to see what was open. As I knew would be the case, most of the highly TTOL recommended restaurants were closed, but we ended up at L’Escapade which was on the water and we all enjoyed our meal. I had a Cajun Shrimp special which was very good. They were giving $=Euro even on a credit card.

Tuesday & Thursday evenings we went to our favorite watering hole, the Dinghy Dock Bar at the Oyster Pond marina. They let you mix your own drinks (i.e. if you order a rum & coke, they give you the bottle of rum and can of coke and let you pour them yourself.) We have been going there for so many years and have become friends with several locals who live and/or work in the Oyster Pond area. It’s always great to see them there and catch up on what’s going on. One of our favorite parts of traveling is meeting people and the friendships that we have formed.

Tuesday morning got cloudy, so we decided to go ahead and make our one shopping trip to Phillipsburg now instead of later in the week. On our way, we heard on the car radio that Tropical Storm Jeanne had just been named and was headed our way within the next 24 hours. This is just what we didn’t want to hear after we thought we had dodged the bullet with Ivan. We ended up with cloudy skies Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, with on-and-off drizzle, only one big downpour Wed. evening that lasted about an hour. So, no sun for 3 days, but we still had a good time (where else would we rather be?). In our seven September visits during hurricane season, this is the first time we have had more than one cloudy day.

So, shopping in Phillipsburg. Not much of a shopper, usually just a few souvenirs for kids and friends. Have never even stepped foot in a jewelry store down there. My husband would like to buy me something, but never knows what to get since I don’t wear jewelry all that much. But I have heard so many stories about DK Gems, thought we’d just browse around to see if anything caught my eye. Another friend also recommended Kay’s, but we went to DK first. As soon as I asked if Deepti was there, I was motioned over to her brother Jeff who knew immediately we were from TTOL but said she had just left that morning for a trip to New York. As I had no idea what I was looking for, Jeff started asking what I currently have and wear most. My husband was leaning toward something like a tennis bracelet, but sometimes I think bracelets are a pain to put on and take off so don’t end up wearing them much. Necklace and earrings are pretty standard. So Jeff steered me over to some beautiful necklace/earring sets made out of small diamonds in flowing patterns that he and Deepti designed themselves and had custom made, one-of-a-kind pieces that will never be made again. I could go on and on about the decision making process (but I’ve already gone on and on about so much) but of course ended up buying one of the sets, spending way more than I had ever intended when I walked in, but knowing I got a great deal and a beautiful piece of jewelry that I can wear often. Jeff was great, never pressuring. I was putting the pressure on myself, trying to justify the purchase even though I loved it (I’m very practical). My husband was just happy that I had made a decision and finally gotten something! We also got him a very nice replacement for his wedding band which is almost 20 years old(!).

The skies cleared and Friday and Saturday were beautiful beach days again. Back into the sand gravity mode. We had a few hours on the beach Sunday before we had to load up back to the airport. Sunday was the HOTTEST day ever, had to stay in the water.

We had a 3pm flight to CLT, so checked in about 12:30, paid departure tax, then went to SSBB to fill the time. This time it was so hot out that there was no question that I was going to get free drinks even though there was no one else doing it! After being on Orient Beach all week it really wasn’t a big deal, kind of fun! As soon as I took my shirt off, the bartender turned the webcam toward me and the new owner John started checking his laptop to see if it was working. I was topless on the internet!!! We chatted with John a bit about the improvements he wants to make to SSBB. Should be even better next year, keeping the fun, but with some nice enhancements.

I do want to say that the best thing about the whole trip was being able to spend quality time together, relaxing, and enjoying each other, away from the stresses of everyday life in a beautiful place. That’s what a real vacation is all about!

Well, this has turned into quite a dissertation considering it doesn’t seem like we did all that much. I have enjoyed reading about others’ trips and hope you’ve enjoyed hearing about ours. Next year doesn’t come soon enough!

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