
JoslinsRock! Trip report - July 13th

Posted By: jonjoslin

JoslinsRock! Trip report - July 13th - 07/16/2006 04:45 PM

July 13th
Hangover cure? Don’t sober up.

Woke up and visited my new home, Le Sucherie. Wow it’s so boring here. Get up early, eat magnificent French pastries, etc.etc.etc. Our mission today was a hike up Pic Paradis. For purposes of security, I’m not going to comment on how, why or whether this is a good idea. I’ll focus this story only on what we did on Loterie Farms property. I’ll say that we drove to Loterie Farms, parked right next to stairs that lead to the restaurant, and hiked their property and beyond. I’d recommend anyone who wants to see the rain forest go and do the “Hidden Forest” hike on their property. There were no security concerns there at all. Hike was $5.00 each, kids free, and on a scale of 1-10, I’d rate it a 4 if you are a hiker, 6 if you are old and fat (I’m not commenting on which I am). 45 minutes of strenuous hiking, and 800’ elevation gain to the high point, and my 6 and 8 year old did it with two rest breaks. Go early, Rest overy 200 steps, take lots of water. We were done by 10:30, having started early, before the cruise ship “Zip line” people got there.

The zip lines looked moderately interesting, but 10-30 feet above ground, and after climbing as a sponsored professional for years in Boulder, jumping out of planes all over the world, I wasn’t interested. (PS, I don’t recommend D.B Cooper imitations on commercial aircraft.. they HATE IT!

Loterie property was incredible, and just about snuck in as the high point of the trip. The hike described above starts in a 300 year old Mango Patch, where the stench of rotting mangos overwhelms to senses. Walking through the first 200-300 yards, was like skating on ice, as their were literally hundreds of mangos dropped. We had mango trees in Key West earlier in life, but nothing like this. Imagine 1000+ mangos lining the path! I made a complete idiot of myself when I took off my clothes, wallowed about screaming “YOU CAN BURY ME HERE!”. Anyway…

The hike was excellent, and the top of the Loterie farm piece takes you to 800’, with clear views across the valley, and back down below. The “map” they have to show you where to go looks tough, but it was easy.

We finished and came off the mountain at 10:30, making this one of the earliest days we had so far. We also decided to make it our last trip to Orient Beach. It was a bit windy when we arrived, but turned to a breeze after a while. Mom and the kids set up around KON Tiki, and I “took a walk” to Club O. It was nice, and definitely something I could do again, as I proved on my third time there. Met the reggae singer Dread “I” before I left, and my son would not give up the CD player he was carrying, as he loved the music. When I told him he was standing with the Artist, he loved it and asked for a picture. I paid $15 for his CD, and didn’t try to negotiate. It’s great!.

An interesting story, there. I’ll hold the names.. While I was walking down near club O, form far away, I spotted a couple of people I recognized form the TTOL party of July 6th. As I approached, the guy walked off, leaving his wife standing there.

Ready for this? I passed.. I was too shy to stop and say hi to her. Not sure what the Etiquette is in that case, haha, but I decided I’d go say hi to him. So Of course, my next thought, after 50 feet or so was: I’m following a naked man down the beach to say “hey, I recognize you!”

He turned off the beach before I caught up, but it was funny. I think I have some things to learn.. Shy is not usually one of my characteristics, if you can believe it! Anyway, I’ll write them personally to say “Hi.”

Left orient beach with the intention of getting an early dinner, but decided to stop by SSBB and switch the $25 t-shirt I bought earlier, as it was dye stained on one shoulder. (YES $25.00!). It’s totally the principal, and they exchanged it no problem.

SSBB is like Crack, in that this was our fifth evening there. We had a great time, and a full day, and it was still only 4:45 PM by the time we got there. The only traffic we saw was at the RUM JUMBIE sign (which needs a traffic circle, by the way).

After 15 minutes or so, We watched our first plane of the week take off TOWARD the ocean, instead of the mountains. My son asked why, and a guy standing nearby gave an explanation of weights, and ground speed, etc. that made me think instantly he was a pilot. He was indeed, for Delta, and we ended up spending the next couple of hours with them at Bamboo Bernies, playing Beat the Clock (affectionately known as KILL THY LIVER, in 30 MINUTE INCREMENTS). We felt like we had know them our whole lives, I am pretty close to a million-miler on Delta, and he has flown for them for 24 years. Their daughter was 14, son 17, and they had a great time with our kids. Great times, and I know we’ll see them again, as they are from Atlanta.

As if this wasn’t enough, we stopped for our intended dinner, 4 hours later than expected, at Lee’s Roadside Grill. BIG BIG Thumbs up. I had a Mahi-Mahi and Shrimp Scampi special. The fish was “catch” and I believe it. It was simply put, the best fish I ever had. So good, that my wife, daughter and son all ate that dish too. Excellent stuff. It literally was grilled like a steak, and well worth the $20 price tag.

My son joined the singer on the stage. Yes, my 6 year old is a showboat, pumping up the crowd with a rendition of Twinkle Twinkle. When he was finished, he told the singer thank you and if he knew any “Harder” songs, he’d come back and sing again. That was priceless!

A late evening, and the packing begins.
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