
July 12 - 26 Trip report

Posted By: islandlove

July 12 - 26 Trip report - 07/28/2008 02:27 PM

My husband, son (14) daughter (15) and I were on the Island 7/12-26. We stay at the Towers at Mullet Bay for the past 17 years. With all our wonderful friends we met there over the years. Along with the best staff employees! Just like family!
Weather: BEYOND perfect every single day
Traffic: No problems
Construction: everywhere!
Mullet bay grounds: no changes at all yet
Flight: CT to San Juan to St Maarten…perfect..along with the flight problems!

Wikiki: awesome food at the rest. and the lunch bar, not to mention the beautiful water with big waves
Bikini: good food
Maho: Sat on beach watched the planes come in. Water was nice.
Mullet Bay: First day they had beautiful big waves…the rest of the time it was calm perfect water!
Mcdonalds fries in Philipsburg….needed my fix of fries!

Zee Best: good
The bagel house: the best breakfast EVER. And the owners are wonderful.
French bakery (forgot name) near Jakes laundry, great pastry

La Gondola: BEST Italian food. The owners are wonderful, known them for a few years..always great treatment.
Peg leg: AWESOME food great service! Love the new area
Ranchos: Great food great service
Romantica: good food good service
Pinapple Petes: Most of us had a good meal, great music, great service
La Moulin (something) behind Cheri in maho: food was ok.
Pizza place behind Cheri: very good pizzas and calzones
Lotteri farm: Food wasn’t as good as usual, but the service, view, company and drinks made up for it.
Sugar cane: GREAT WAITER (ivan)…good food, great drinks

Casinos:I think we hit almost everyone of them…and didn’t go broke thank god!
Many of us spent nights there just hanging out, watching the dancers come out at 9, shopping at J&N jewelers…they are the BEST!
Sand gravity took over so we spent A LOT OF TIME just sitting at the Towers pool and on the few beaches I metioned above.
Lotteri Farm: hiked up the mountain….words cant describe the feeling at the top…breathless!!! TRY IT!
Ate a lot of Aetna ice cream….have to!
Of course: Drinks….many many Caribs…and island drinks
Many of our friends were at the Sunset Beach Bar the night it closed down for good…sad.
Saw a wild money run by us at the Towers pool….holy cow that got my heart pumping…HAHAHAHA

Crime: Saw many police on the French and Dutch side. Felt very safe. Left nothing in car, did NOT walk around with lots of jewelry on, careful leaving casinos etc… The Thursday before we left (10:30ish pm) in Maho we saw Cops with dogs and a few people being arrested but don’t know for what or why. Other than that, saw nothing! Also, saw many military people on the French side.

Count down: Less than 11 months and 2 weeks …..God help me…….
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