
Just back from another wonderful trip!!

Posted By: Danny

Just back from another wonderful trip!! - 06/12/2008 06:47 PM

Well SXM fans, our trip was the best ever.

We flew out of New Orleans on American, made our connection in MIA and arrived in St. Martin June 3rd "ON TIME". Not one problem. As usual, Leslie Bruce was there waiting for us, but this time with cell phone from the Queen of SXM in hand. How easy is that!! Our beach front accommodations were at the Esmeralda and again they were great. We spent most days enjoying the drink, food and view from Coco's. Thank you Max and David! Oh and by the way, Coco's had an area set up for those that were looking to do an all over tan. Didn't see anyone doing it, but it was available. Thomas of the Astrolabe put on many a great feast for us. We enjoyed a wonderful Friday day sail on the Golden Eagle. We got toasted inside and out. The Dollar to Euro exchange was tough, but it was expected. And, I must tell all of you that "WE SAW NOR HEARD OF ANY CRIME". This was no different than any of our other trips. The weather was breezy and dry except for June 10th, but that didn't bother us. We were making our way home then.

Every time we go we always say maybe we should try something different, like a different rental car company or accommodations. But, why when we haven't had one bad experience in all the times we have visited. Don't get us wrong, we do venture out to new eateries on every trip, but why take a chance with a new supplier of your transportation or where you plan to spend your nights. A week of bad wheels or rack will ruin a trip. So until we have something go wrong with any of these two we will always use Kenny's and stay at the "E".

Speaking of which, I guess its time to start booking that next trip to paradise.
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