
Anegada or not?

Posted By: kahav

Anegada or not? - 04/27/2016 02:52 PM

Hello, Thank you for your help in deciding.... We are arriving for our second trip to the BVI on a Marinemax 44 PC. Two couples on board starting out this Friday April 29th!! We would like to make it to Anegada but I see that the winds are supposed to pick up next Tuesday - which would be our day for returning to Jost. Wind and waves in the same W direction with wind ~18kts. I am a very timid boater... what do you think conditions such as these are like for that trip?
Posted By: JasonHelmbrecht

Re: Anegada or not? - 04/27/2016 02:56 PM

In a 44 PC, heading in the same direction as the wind and waves you probably won't even notice the wind except for a slight increase in speed. At 25 or 30 knots, I would start to rethink a trip TO Anegada but 18kts will not be an issue heading to JVD.

Have fun.

Posted By: NoelHall

Re: Anegada or not? - 04/27/2016 03:28 PM

Perhaps you could make it to Leverick Friday afternoon for the evening Jumbies show, and make the run to Anegada on Saturday, with JVD on Monday. Winds look favorable for those days and you could finish your week with the shorter runs between the islands in the Drake Channel.
Posted By: Maria_and_Steve

Re: Anegada or not? - 04/27/2016 07:18 PM

I wouldn't trust the forecast that far in advance. Things change smile

Just look at the mess in the Atlantic and over the USA with the low pressure systems and high pressure systems. This is very difficult to forecast any longer than 2 or 3 days at the most:
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