
Airport departure tax


Airport departure tax - 01/13/2015 02:35 PM

Leaving tomorrow, can anyone tell me how much the departure tax is.
Posted By: Eric_Hill

Re: Airport departure tax - 01/13/2015 02:36 PM

It should be included in your ticket.
Posted By: Ellen777

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/02/2015 07:37 PM

I see on my AA/US Airways tickets the total charge for departure taxes and fees is 51.21, yet for my November United tickets, it is 70.66.
Anybody know why there is a difference?
UA is broken out, but AA is not.
Thanks for any info - just curious.
Posted By: boucharda

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/02/2015 07:40 PM

Different connection/arrival airport fees??? The tax is around $30 and the rest are airport fees
Posted By: Ellen777

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/02/2015 08:00 PM

I guess that is it, it shows SXM Departure tax as $36.00 (on the United ticket)
We ARE going different routes.
Thanks for taking the time to explain.
Posted By: Toronto_Frank

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/03/2015 01:04 AM

There are three different fees charged on tickets to SXM, all included in your ticket price.
Netherlands Antilles Passenger Screening Fee
Netherlands Antilles Airport Improvement Fee
Netherlands Antilles Airport Departure Fee
Posted By: boucharda

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/03/2015 12:55 PM

I'm sure the home airport/country adds more fees than those mentioned to the ticket but, yes, those are the SXM specific fees.

Passenger facility fees which are determined locally, TSA (in the US) 9/11, flight segment, and transportation tax fees, landing fees etc. etc. make each trip have different fees

Can't blame the airlines for ALL the cost...
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/08/2015 02:48 PM

Here is what is listed on my ticket as far as taxes and fees. The departure fee is included and has been for some time. I guess I missed it going up to $36. The total is a little over $129 added to the base fare.

United States - September 11th Security Fee(Passenger Civil Aviation Security Service Fee) (AY) $11.20 USD
Sint Maarten - Passenger Screening Fee (FG) $10.91 USD
Sint Maarten - Airport Departure Tax (SXM) (FH) $36.00 USD
Sint Maarten - Airport Improvement Fee (IW) $5.00 USD
United States - Transportation Tax (US) $35.00 USD
United States - Animal And Plant Health Inspection Service Fee (APHIS User Fee - Passengers (XA) $5.00 USD
United States - Passenger Facility Charge (XF) $13.50 USD
United States - Immigration And Naturalization Fee(Immigration User Fee) (XY) $7.00 USD
United States - Custom User Fee (YC) $5.50 USD
Posted By: pat

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/08/2015 02:55 PM

$36.00. WOW!! Guess I missed those hikes, too.

Our first trip ('73) it was $2.00 pp..... Those really were the days, My Friends!! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/08/2015 03:15 PM

Our first trip via airline was 1994 (after visiting on a cruise in 1991) and I am thinking the departure fee then was around $5 but I am not totally sure. I know it has taken a steady rise and I totally missed the increase form $30 to $36.

You must have been under 20 then on your first visit?
Posted By: pat

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/08/2015 03:28 PM

Close, JD, but not quite, but thanks for letting me dream..... <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />

I've talked about that first trip so many times - formal attire at night, jackets required for the Casinos, our trip was paid for as far as air, hotels and meals so all we had to pay for was drinks and activities. We went down with $500.00 in our collective wallets and came home with change. Not much, though.

We didn't rent a car but for one day and drove as much of the island as was drivable and saw and experienced most of the things worth seeing and trying.....we were perfectly content to hang the rest of the week at beautiful Mullet Bay Beach under one of the many palapas stretched along the beach, only leaving it to partake in the crab races or to get another cold one.

We required so little back then and each day was truly a new adventure. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/08/2015 03:37 PM

I would have liked to experience the island long before I did. Seeing it in 1991 and many times since then has been an enlightening experience. Lot of changes, some good and some not so good.

I think even as far back as 1991 we paid $4 each for a beer on the beach at Mullet when I am sure the resort controlled the concessions. It sticks in my mind as we took turns buying beers at three places Junior stopped for us. It was Ronalee's dads turn to buy at Mullet and he about flipped at the price, especially since the beer was like $1 each elsewhere.

We have also noticed a dramatic increase in food prices over the years (just like here at home), especially the last 5 years or so.
Posted By: pat

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/08/2015 03:59 PM

Pre-95 there really weren't any 'concessions' such as Rosie's or DaLeos along the beach. There was a place called the Shipwreck Grill for breakfasts and lunches, and adjacent to it, the Mullet Resort Beach Bar at the end of the sidewalk pretty close to where Rosie is today. There was a towel kiosk for Mullet guests with a beach shop adjacent and further down the beach closer to the sea grape stands and just off the beach heading towards Building 90 there were a couple of resort restaurants as I recall. But remember, at my exalted age, things do get a little muddled!! I'm kidding of course.......I am, darn it! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />

And drinks at the bar were outrageous back then, even the beers, and a mandatory tip was included on every check in those days. At different times in those years just pre-hurricane destruction there were a few entrepreneurs who walked the beach selling cold beers and sandwiches and the Mullet Bar even tried seat service for drinks off and on but IMO it was never very effective, efficient or fast, and as far as we were concerned, it was a lot easier to just go to the bar and get your own drinks.

St. Maarten truly was a wonderful place back then, but as is the case with each metamorphism and each newer and younger group who discovers it, it's still a wonderful vacation today but just not what it was 'back in the day....' and I consider myself very fortunate to have known her in those $2.00 departure tax days. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: Airport departure tax - 02/08/2015 04:11 PM

Mullet Resort Beach Bar at the end of the sidewalk pretty close to where Rosie is today.

And drinks at the bar were outrageous back then, even the beers, and a mandatory tip was included on every check in those days.

That is the place and you are correct. I have a picture here someplace of the 3 of us guys sitting there enjoying the $4 beers. You can imagine the shock after paying just $1 each at two previous places and then getting a check for $12 for 3 beers!

I guess we are getting this a little off the original topic regarding the departure fee but like everything else, that has changed drastically also.
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