
A Mullet Kind of Day

Posted By: pat

A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 12:51 AM

So it's Tuesday evening and as many are still considering where to go for dinner tonight, we've already tucked ourselves into our jammies with all our decisions made and our activities already done for the day.

And what an incredibly perfect St. Maarten day it's been. I awoke around 5:30 this morning to an already lightening sky and pretty soon the sky was awash with beautiful shades of pink to lavender to blue. Such an incredible color palette you might think it couldn't get any prettier. But shortly after 6 a.m. The sun rose over the French hills and became visible as an incredible bright yellow ball with a silver surround. OMG! Mother Nature put on a special show this morning.

We had our morning coffee in and began our day with a 'plan' for today in place, and for the most part, we managed to see it through from beginning to end with but a few additions and minor changes along the way.

At 8ish we headed out to have breakfast at the Sint Maarten Yacht Club, with high hopes of beating the 8:30 bridge opening and finding some parking, too, and would you believe, we were successful with both. There is definitely something to be said for starting the day off with a freshly squeezed mimosa as you watch the boats pass under the bridge. Not too many in or out while we were there, but enough activity to make us happy. And as we were leaving, we ran into Wild Bill and his wife Pat so we chatted for a few minutes before we headed home to change for the beach.

Today we were hoping for a day at Mullet, and I have to say, it was the quintessentially perfect Mullet kind of day. The sky was shaded in the brilliant blue hues so remarkable to the Caribbean, and there was barely a cloud in the sky. Well, every so often one of those big cotton candy fluffy kind of clouds floated by but they were a beautiful exception to an otherwise perfect day. And as the sun reached its peak and came over the tree line behind us we were blessed with a constant gentle breeze to make it all perfect. And add to that, an easy peezy access into the water, along with gentle waves while doing so, and no step down into the water. It really was a perfect Mullet kind of day. Well, until the first set of party-boats - Golden Eagle and Mirabelle - arrived for their first trip of the day and the hordes of revelers started reaching the beach. But it's a big beach and we have to be nice and share, right?

Around noonish, DH's built in meal alarm clock went off so we headed across the sand to Rosies for some of her yummy ribs and ran into a couple of long-time Royal Islander TS owners (whose names escape me at this point- maybe Barbara and John?) and moments after that, Terry and Rit (aka The_Lurker) sat down at the table in front of us. It was so nice meeting, seeing and chatting with all of them, and of course, having our temporary fill of ribs only added to the moment.

We left Mullet and returned to the Towers pool, stopping long enough to take a quick dip, exchange our towels and enjoy a frozen concoction our bartender whipped up for us. Deelish! And then back to the room to shower and dress for the Managers Cocktail party, and then dinner at Fig. The cocktail party was fine with the typical island hors d'oerves and rum punches, and for a change, a lot of attendees, too.

Fig was the only downside to our day and it really wasn't their fault. We arrived just as they opened and they warned us they had a large group of students coming in for a surprise birthday party around sevenish. We thought we could beat the crowd but sadly, that wasn't the case. Given the size of the restaurant and the fact they all came early, along with their numbers and the ages of the party-goers, and all their youthful exuberance in celebrating their special occasion, we really should have known better and chosen another night. But in the end it all worked out and the birthday girl was surprised and happy. And the food we had was very good though the owners, Patrick and Randy, were very apologetic for the noise factor. Hey! We were fore-warned so no big deal and they did comp us our drinks which was nice of them.

So it really was a perfect kind of Mullet Day in every way, and now, it only remains to be seen as to what sort of mischief we can get into tomorrow. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 01:03 AM

Wow, such a great Mullet day, no step down into the water and no waves!!! Sounds perfect!!
Posted By: The_Lurker

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 03:10 AM

A wonderful Mullet day. We are trying to stay out of the sun for a day, but if tomorrow is anything like today, we will be there again!
Pat, it was so enjoyable talking to you and John, Rit and I had a nice time and hope it happens again. So many good stories! <img src="" alt="" /> We could have sat there all day with another Carib and a cushion for the bench. <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: islandgem

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 03:26 AM

Sounds like a perfect day Pat. You are in your jammies so early, tomorrow is bound to be full of adventures. Early to bed early to rise! <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 09:28 AM

Posted By: GaKaye

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 10:52 AM

Another perfect island day, exceeded only by your more perfect description of it.
Posted By: gracie105

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 12:54 PM

How do you get onto Mullet beach? All the years we have been to the island that is one beach we have never been too? This will sound silly but the reason we have never gone to Mullet is because a long time ago somebody told me there were no bathrooms on Mullet, is this true?
Posted By: SXMNorm

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 01:09 PM

Totally enjoyable read. Thanks.
Posted By: pat

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 01:15 PM

True, Gracie, no real bathrooms. There are a couple of porta-potties but I have never used them. We are close enough that we can go back to our unit if nature makes an urgent call.

How to get there.......? I'm not a good direction person so I can't really help you too much. I'm thinking if you stay on the main road through the Mho village area and head through into the golf course area, you need to take the first real turn off road on your left and then turn right out to the beach access, which is where the parking area is located. The one thing I will suggest is get there early and back into the outer perimeter parking spaces in the parking lot if you can. Parking in the middle sometimes leads to getting blocked in by other persons less considerate than you. And if you actually do find the lot and the beach, leave nothing in your car and follow the 'locking/unlocking cars at the beach sermon' most likely given by your rental company. We always leave ours unlocked these days with the windows down a few inches. Good luck! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: gracie105

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 01:23 PM

Thank you Pat you were really helpful.
Posted By: Beachnut82

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 01:28 PM

What is the locking/ unlocking beach sermon?
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 01:52 PM

There is also a sign now which says Mullet Beach also, at the turn.
Posted By: pat

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 02:01 PM

There is always much debate about locking cars at the beach and leaving items locked in the trunks, etc. Some companies will suggest you leave nothing anywhere in the car, not even locked in the trunk and leave it locked WHENEVER you are away from it. Others may suggest you lock everywhere but at the beaches, but still....leave nothing in your car anywhere, not even at the beach. Best suggestion is to ask your rental car agent how HE wants you to handle the matter.

We go to the beach leaving nothing anywhere in the car, the doors are unlocked and the windows slightly rolled down. This is okay with our agent and it potentially saves him the damage that might be done if someone wanted to break into the locked car. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posted By: moxie

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 04:52 PM

Glad you picked a good Mullet day-it really is hit & miss with that beach but still my favourite on the good days. Hope you get to Friars too.
Posted By: pat

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 05:52 PM

TY, Moxie. Trust me, we will but hoping for a seaweed status first.
Posted By: The_Lurker

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 08:32 PM

Pat, our neighbor just went to Friars and said the smell was bad. I don't know if that changes too.
Posted By: pat

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/22/2015 09:10 PM


In all our days at Friars, I've never smelled that odor but I do know it exists and my understanding is it can be really disgusting!

But I'm more concerned about the seaweed, truthfully, because the smell seems to come and go, but we don't want to drive all the way over there to find the beach covered with seaweed and the water not swimmable due to the floating seaweed.
Posted By: gln60

Re: A Mullet Kind of Day - 04/25/2015 02:03 PM

very nice should be writing
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