
trip Report - The Final Days

Posted By: sumbeach

trip Report - The Final Days - 04/08/2016 04:02 AM

Again, nothing in any particular order, mainly because I have a hard time remembering what we did when. Anyway...
We did end up going to the Butterfly Farm. And it was worth the money. Many beautiful butterflies, and the guy that gives the tour is a real trip. Very informative about the whole butterfly world, and how they fit into and help ours.

The seaweed was sporadic - one morning there was a bit on the beach and in the water, the next morning was perfectly clean. The wind seemed to be getting better each day, and Sunday (the 3rd) was probably one of the most perfect weather and water days we have seen in our ten trips. Just enough breeze to keep it cool, very low surf, and the water seemed to be several degrees warmer.
We saw a few mosquitoes, but the four of us got probably a half dozen bites in total. We did spray each night we went out, or sat on the patio. The no-seeums did however use us as a fast food drive in.

Did our typical LOLO dinner, one night at TOTT. The ribs and chicken both were exceptionally dry and overcooked. May have to reevaluate this tradition next time. Although, dinner for two for under $20 is still an attractive change of pace. One night we were too tired to get ready and go out, so we had a rotisserie chicken from the Sub, and added a salad, delicious.

Made one last trip to Super U Friday around 5:30. DON'T EVER DO IT!!! I didn't know there were that many people on the whole Island! It was worse than being in WalMart on Christmas Eve. (Thankfully I have never been to a WalMart on Christmas Eve, but I would imagine it's pretty bad).
Had our final meal at La Table de Antoine, another ribeye cooked to perfection, followed by several shots of banana/vanilla rum. Finished off the evening wjth dessert af Tai Chi. Kimmi and LiLu are both going back to France in April. Hopefully they will be back.

So, D Day. In October we were delayed due to thunderstorms, and AA announced at 11:00 PM that they were cancelling the flight. We did leave the next morning. So on this trip, D Day was beautifully clear. But... we were still delayed from taking off for about 20 minutes. And when we got to Miami, there was a plane in our gate. We sat there for 45 minutes, and of course there were a jillion people from other flights, all vying for the passport kiosks. Long story short, we missed our flight AGAIN, got to the hotel around 11:45, and caught the shuttle at 4:30 in the morning. Got to San Antonio at 9:30, just about 12 hours late.

In spite of AA's continued attempts to destroy our enthusiasm for travel, we still had a great time in St Martin.
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: trip Report - The Final Days - 04/08/2016 09:32 AM

Thanks for your reports.

The Butterfly Farm really is enjoyable. We hit it ever 2-3 trips, especially if we have new visitors with us.

The joy of flying with connections! I get to experience it as do many others. It is situations like yours that rile me when those with the multiple non-stop options start complaining.
Posted By: SandS

Re: trip Report - The Final Days - 04/08/2016 11:50 AM

Glad you enjoyed your trip. I enjoyed your reports. Thank you for posting.
Posted By: Tom

Re: trip Report - The Final Days - 04/08/2016 02:25 PM

Enjoyed your reports and thank you for taking the time to compile them. Your travel woes have prompted me to once again look into investigating chartering a private plane. I tried to do this years ago and while the price was very high, the biggest hurdle was not getting several other couples to make it feasible.
Posted By: annS

Re: trip Report - The Final Days - 04/08/2016 02:58 PM

Thank you so much for your trip reports. Safe travels.

Would you ever be willing to share the contact # for your villa. Did you fell safe there?
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: trip Report - The Final Days - 04/08/2016 03:10 PM

Previously posted here
Posted By: SXMNorm

Re: trip Report - The Final Days - 04/08/2016 03:27 PM

Thanks for taking time to post. Sad, that AA can't get their act together.
Posted By: pat

Re: trip Report - The Final Days - 04/08/2016 05:48 PM


Have enjoyed your trip immensely.....and I have to agree completely about both the lolos and about the airlines. We're on AA down and JB home and while my AA flights are usually okay once you get beyond their schedule changes, JB usually manages to do a number on us every trip, though to their credit, in Dec. we were JB r/t and we had no problems either direction. IMHO, if I'm going to have a problem either direction, as long as it didn't steal days I'd prefer the negatives on the way down because for me it's often the last part of the trip that really stays in my mind. A negative at the end doesn't usually get washed away by all the good times there.

Again, TY for sharing your experiences.

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