
La Vista upgrades

Posted By: dmarty

La Vista upgrades - 09/01/2016 04:26 PM

Can anyone tell me if they've noticed upgrades of solar panels and new doors at La Vista? We were assessed a special $450/week fee for new improvements above and beyond the regular maintenance fees. Hope some work is in progress.
Posted By: pat

Re: La Vista upgrades - 09/01/2016 04:47 PM


I can't answer your specific question but if it helps, I can honestly say I've never heard of any problems with LaVista regarding their business practices and I'm willing to bet, if they assed you for specific work, the work will be done.
Disclaimer - no, I don't have timeshare there.
Posted By: molldoll

Re: La Vista upgrades - 09/01/2016 04:59 PM

I am an owner at LaVista. Their communication mentioned a number of items they are upgrading or adding with the special assessment. Since the first payment was made in July they are probably in full swing making these changes now as September is the usual month for this type of work. I have all the faith in the world with LaVista as they have never failed to keep their word. I will be there in October and am looking forward to seeing the changes.
Posted By: Artofmpls

Re: La Vista upgrades - 09/01/2016 06:10 PM

Please note, the person posting is not questioning the business practices of the resort, but the status of work progress.
Posted By: SXMScubaman

Re: La Vista upgrades - 09/02/2016 02:43 AM

Is that for all units or just the upper ones? Friends on the beach units didn't get one.
Posted By: GaKaye

Re: La Vista upgrades - 09/02/2016 10:43 AM

The special assessment is just for La Vista (the older units on the hill), not for La Vista Beach.
Posted By: takeus2sxm

Re: La Vista upgrades - 09/03/2016 01:01 AM

There is definitely work in progress. All of the Lavista units (on the hill) are getting new roofs. I didn't see any solar panels but they're still in the process of tearing out and putting in what looks like insulation. I also saw material being put in the trash...sinks, maybe the insides are getting upgraded too?
One thing for sure, if the Scherzinger/Bartlett family says they're going to do a lot of work at LaVista, you can take their word for it. Don't know if anything is planned for LaVista Beach.
Posted By: GaKaye

Re: La Vista upgrades - 09/03/2016 11:49 AM

Thanks, Gail, for that onsite update! As a La Vista Beach owner, I can confirm that there are no major updates in progress for the beach units, as they're much newer. And I completely agree with your assessment that if the Scherzingers and Bartletts say they're going to do it, they are! It's such a pleasure to deal with such honest and trustworthy people.
Posted By: Bartlettsxm

Re: La Vista upgrades - 09/03/2016 06:11 PM

Hi All, thanks for your vote of confidence..Work is in FULL progress. As with everything, some things will be diverted to next year, like the solar panels. It was advised to get the roof on first, and that is happening as we speak. Tiling is going on, and the doors and windows I am awaiting with baited breath as the french Company (Samiver) screwed up and will let me know on Monday exactly what they can do now, and what will happen later. sleepless nights?? YES...going grey(er)..YES.javascript:void(0).but it will all be worth it in the end. My owners know we take care of them !! But even 6 weeks is not enough time..if I knew how, I would post pictures of the disaster area called La Vista..LOL. Again, thanks so much for your nice comments, they warmed my heart. feel free to email me if you are worried, and I will gladly send some pictures..Have a wonderful weekend!! Andrea
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: La Vista upgrades - 09/03/2016 06:20 PM

Andrea--we all know that you guys will only do what is right and in the best interests of all timeshare owners. Best wishes with your work!
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