
Stabbing in Maho

Posted By: ruralcarrier

Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 07:16 PM

Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 07:30 PM

Oh crap, this is another incident. I thought you were talking about the one from in front of Market Garden.
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 07:46 PM

Posted By: enzosxm

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 07:49 PM

The guy that committed the Maho robbery is the same that committed the homocide yrsterday

Attached picture IMG-20200323-WA0056.jpg
Posted By: kim

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by enzosxm
The guy that committed the Maho robbery is the same that committed the homocide yrsterday

Enzo - I think SXM-News is walking that back. Can’t find the original report stating that anymore. Stay safe. Say hi to Katerina for me. Kim (unit 103)
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 07:52 PM

Correct, it was there and as I was posting the link, the article changed.
Posted By: SXMScubaman

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 08:25 PM

WOW. The island doesn't need this.
Posted By: SammyM

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 08:36 PM

Sure doesn't ... especially right now. What's kind of ironic is that roughly four years ago (pre-Irma) we needed a taxi on St. Barth's to take us from the port in Gustavia up to Nikki Beach. To walk this would have almost been straight uphill so we quickly dismissed that notion, but a taxi did arrive and it had to be no more than a five minute trip that cost me 35 euros. During that five minute ride the we told the driver we were actually staying in St. Maarten and I'll always remember his reply ... "how can you stand staying there with all that crime" which I thought was interesting because he was the one charging 35 euros for a five minute taxi ride.
Posted By: sxmmartini

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 08:49 PM

Bibi never pulls a story and tells it like it is! She must have been under extreme pressure to pull the story.
Posted By: islandgem

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 08:54 PM

Lesley Bruce just mentioned in another forum that that he was at the Maho Market and this is not true. Fake news apparently by SXM newspaper. This is not good, if you can't believe the news sources there anymore!
Posted By: sxmmartini

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 08:57 PM

It is not fake news Bibi has had her life threatened trying to tell the truth!
Posted By: BillandElaine

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 08:58 PM

I've mentioned before, this so called news outlet is like National Enquirer. I wouldn't believe a word unless it was corroborated elsewhere.
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 09:04 PM

I believe there was an altercation of some kind as another person mentioned a stabbing as well.
Posted By: islandgem

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 09:06 PM

Call it what you want, but this was reported incorrectly. Lesley Bruce was right there and said there was definitely no robbery. Apparently there was a fight outside the market earlier, but nothing more than that!
Posted By: SXMScubaman

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 09:21 PM

I would tend to believe Lesley as he was there and witnessed the incident.
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 09:24 PM

As was another person who lives on the island that many of us know. Altercation of some sorts that appears to have included a stabbing.
Posted By: sxmmartini

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 09:30 PM

So it was not a robbery just a stabbing? I feel so much better...
Posted By: Kennys

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 09:36 PM

Bibi Shaw posted a fake news report and always for attention. Even the workers knew about the fight outside on the road .
Posted By: SXMScubaman

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 09:37 PM

Probably two people that new each other and had a disagreement. Much different than a robbery of a total stranger.
Posted By: sxmmartini

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 09:39 PM

Thanks for the updated info on a fake news report. In these times people are so freaked out as it is.
Posted By: ruralcarrier

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 09:40 PM

Thanks Lesley.
Posted By: Kennys

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 09:42 PM

But of course , all of us are on the edge . Hoping that catch this guy soon and I think they will . Stay positive .
Posted By: PelicanPirate

Re: Stabbing in Maho - 03/23/2020 09:43 PM

Wouldn’t it be better if it were the same perp for both incidents rather than having two perps?

Is this just “normal crime” or is this “virus stress driven crime”
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