
TRIP REPORT 1/21-1/28

Posted By: IowaSue

TRIP REPORT 1/21-1/28 - 02/02/2006 04:22 AM

It was a phenominal first time! Here is a list of some of more memorable highlights (some of you may be able to relate!):
1. The astounding beauty and sweet smell.
2. The styrofoam-like sand of Devil's Bay.
3. Sandman singing to Bob Seger blaring at eardrum-busting decibils.
4. Me transfixed on Quito, holding the tears back as he sang "Calloused Hands".
5. Sand in the sheets.
6. Meandering through the beautiful property to get to your lovely room at Myett's.
7. Listening to songs on the radio where the beat is kept either by roosters crowing or horns honking
8. Listening to songs on the radio and the DJ breaks in to give a random opinion about anything!
9. Watching an American boy teach an Island boy how to throw a football.
10. Coming back up to our room and finding the housekeepers limin' in the chaise lounges.
11. Watching a begging dog turn his nose up at the bread you've given him.
12. Nearly getting carried off by the guys from the British Royal Navy.
13. Boarding the right plane at STT. (As we were flying away, I looked out the window and said, "Good-bye Caribbean." Dave replied without missing a beat, "Good-bye luggage." We got it, though!)
14. Customs: sometimes on a Saturday at 6:00 "island time" means fast: "Anything to declare? (No wait) Good. I want to go home."
15. Watching my husband swim in the ocean and snorkel for the first time in his life.
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