
Trip Report- June 26-July 8th- flotilla and all...

Posted By: amurphy08

Trip Report- June 26-July 8th- flotilla and all... - 07/19/2008 08:33 PM

Ok, I am doing a shortened version of a trip report. It still makes me miss all the great times I had on this trip to write all the details.


· Finally getting back down after a year away. Two weeks was definitely not long enough… more on that later.
· Meeting everyone that first night at Myett’s and then partying at Quito’s. We danced the night away and then again on Friday night.
· Malcolm, Linda Kay, Heather and Joe and Jean and Mike and being able to join Jeannius for the flotilla. It was a fun and relaxing trip all rolled into one. Not enough words to describe.
· Jeannius- what an awesome cat, and Mike and Jean are wonderful and fun hosts. Couldn’t ask for better Captain and 1st Mate.
· Getting to White Bay that first full day on the flotilla, spending the day bar hopping with Malcolm and the girls. I think we must have driven him nuts we were laughing so much…actually, we earned our new nickname that day…. I will not divulge here (for fear of editing) but some of you all know what I’m talking about! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
· Monkey Point, Cooper Island and Norman Island, all places I had not been before.Ok, I had been to Willy T before, buy not Pirates. Beautiful sunset that night.
· Nick and Monica at Leverick Bay, the poker run was awesome and the party afterwards was as well.
· Cow Wreck Beach- I didn’t get near enough time there….
· Dinner at Neptune’s and saying hello to Randy and Vernon again. Hope to spend more time there again next summer and in the future.
· Everyone I met on the flotilla, especially Saildoggie and crew, Susan C and crew and Twanger and crew. What a fun bunch!
· Looking at the stars on 4th of July and seeing the Milky Way. AMAZING!
· Malcolm, Candace and Robyn. Had a great time hanging out with them and really enjoyed the mimosas at CRC that Sunday morning and the hospitality.
· Columbus Apartments. Loved them and I will definitely stay there next time. Great location, clean and affordable. Great store/bar on premises. Really enjoyed having cocktails on the patio with Linda in the evenings.
· Mornings spent walking on CGB all by myself. What a beautiful and peaceful spot.
· “That Sunday” Linda Kay you know what I’m talking about.. I think we started at CRC with Mimosas at noon and then ended at Bomba’s about 2a.m… The details are kind of fuzzy . <img src="" alt="" />
· BBQ and music at The Elm with friends.. one of my favorite places.
· Sunset and dinner at Bananakeet with Linda and Heather and Joe. Good way to end my trip. Malcolm was also there for Happy Hour.
· Seeing all the familiar faces again on Tortola: (Fitz, Jephette, Prince, Quito, Steve & George) and meeting even more locals.. Everyone is just so nice.


· Having to leave and go back to reality.

I started crying on the ferry dock and decided on the ferry ride back to STT that I am going to move down by fall of 2009.Yes, I have been thinking about it for years and if I don't at least try it, I will regret it for the rest of my life. Now that I have told most of my friends, they are all saying the same thing " I cannnot believe you haven't moved before now!!"
LOTS of details to work out and I know it will be challenging. But if it were easy, everyone would be moving. The biggest one being which island to live on. I really want to live on Tortola, but the work issue might get in the way. I have to get a job... May end up moving to a US Virgin at first. But maybe something will work out and I can find something on Tortola.

I will keep everyone up to date on my progress and I am hopefully going to start a blog about it...

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