
Trip Report Operation Painkiller Part I

Posted By: saildoggie

Trip Report Operation Painkiller Part I - 04/27/2011 02:00 AM

Missing man formation for BVI veteran Sgt. Scott Stuven, wife Michelle was not cleared from Chemotherapy in time to go, good news is she is all clear now, next trip both of you.

The crew: Dawg, Admiral Lynn, Sgt. Roscoe (Roxo) Sgt. Freeberg (T Bird) Sgt. Valesco (Cesar) and Justine (Bean)…stand in guest Deck Fluff Dionne and Caroline.

The Yacht: Galeaux, Voyage 500 PP donated owners week by owners Doug and Melissa Regan, HUGE thanks for your support to our troops, she was beautiful and a joy to aboard as always!

Very enjoyable flights down aboard Delta, the LAX ATL STT route was painless and actually kinda nice for a change, more room on Delta seats than AA.

Taxied to the CA ferry terminal and met the Flyboys crew at the cool bar in the ferry waiting area since Petite Pump Room is closed on Sundays.
A few cold ones and we are aboard the famous Bomba Charger heading for West End.

Customs and Immigration was a breeze even with Bean not having her Passport, called Jerry’s and he was there personally in a couple minutes, quick stop for paperwork and off to Cane Garden Bay and Myetts.

Even though our Montero is a 7-seater, the back was stuffed with luggage so it looked like a clown car with 4 crammed in the back seat.

Checked into Myett’s and were blown away with the rooms, SUPER nice, new furnishings, BVI 5 star all the way!

Off to happy hour followed by dinner with Mal and Candace at Elm BBQ, great kick off to our trip, The Elmtones were on their game and we had a blast!

Day 2: Great breakfast at Rhymers, Bloody Mary’s with Mary and ham and cheese omelet, one of my favorite BVI breakfasts!
Chilled on the beach while Roxo and T Bird toured in the rental car, Cesar and Bean were nowhere to be found. Met up with Mal and Candace and had a great lunch at Stanley’s in the outside bar area.
Had a really nice happy hour and dinner at Myett’s and a really nice sleep in our very comfortable room.

Day 3: Met Mal and Candace at Sebastians for a wonderful breakfast and farewell as they were heading to Sonoma. Drove back to cane Garden Bay in a torrential rainstorm, checked out and had a few cold ones, still no Cesar and Bean…. enjoyed the glassworks demonstrations and bought a really cool glass turtle for Sailpuppy..Back to the bar, still no Cesar and Bean, getting into the afternoon, sent Roxo to herd them up, no success…finally at about 2:30 they surfaced and checked out, off to West End for our sleep aboard Galeaux! Checked in with Voyage and hung out at Pussers, finally made contact with The Clubhouse for dinner reservations for 6, drove it in the Jerry’s rental and decided a cab was the way to go, Voyage set us up with Egbert, $30 RT was well worth it in the rain. Got settled aboard Galeaux and raised the big US Air Force flag on the boom topping lift which really got a rise from owner of HoloHolo Bill as they had a Navy crew aboard, oh boy, that was fun, the Navy/Air Force rivalry trash talk was full tilt, great guy and crew, having a blast!
The Clubhouse was awesome, greeted by Karen Freeman, very elegant setting, great drinks, staff, INCREDIBLE food, Paul was really on his game, my Encrusted citrus Tuna was really good and The Admiral’s Filet Mignon was better than Morton’s, Ruth Chris or any I have tasted, we were the crustiest crew there but treated like their best Customers all the way!

Day 4: Dionne and Caroline were on the morning ferry from St. John as planned and borrowed HoloHolo’s dink to fetch them, finally got our Bobby’s order (mostly complete) and the Caribbean Cellars order again, missing items…grabbed the missing stuff at Harbor Market and headed out to go sailing! Decent yet spotty and shifty winds kept Roxo busy at the helm while I tended to the 3 trolling lines and beverage control duties, we had planned on The Bight but pressed on to Cooper island and grabbed a mooring, sailed all but the last mile or so, we smoked many monos and cats on this upwind leg but charter boats were sparse. Made Res’s at Cooper Island Beach Club for dinner, tended to T Bird’s mashed toe and continued with cocktails and tried to be seated for dinner but were informed we were 30 minute late and there is no table for us, we ate at the bar while viewing 2 large open tables, the food was just OK and the staff was very uptight, they turned off the lights and sent us on our way around 10:00 PM.
The party aboard continued VERY late and there were many neighbors aboard into the wee hours.

Day 5: NO wind, motored up to The Baths and grabbed a ball, a couple cold ones at Poor Man’s then WIND! A spirited reach up to North Sound, hit 10.5 knots plus boat speed several times, shifty winds as always on the lee side of Virgin Gorda, sailed around the outside rather than taking the cut in route to Leverick Bay Marina..
David (smiling widely as always) greeted us and helped with the lines in our favorite slip and Nick and Monica were down in minutes literally rolling out the red carpet for us!!!
We felt like we just tied up at our homeport, what wonderful, sincere hospitality!
Off to Happy Arrr with Michael Beans, WOW, what an energetic, fun filled show, Evan and Nina (Sail2wind) and Doug and Kristie (SuburbanDharma) joined in the fun.
Javier, Luis, Alex, Digsy, Adia the whole staff made us feel sooo welcome!
I only have pictures of earlier in the evening but the after party aboard Galeaux went on until the sun came up, The Admiral and I managed to get some sleep despite not being plugged in and AC on, there was a nice breeze.
I apologized to our dock neighbors for our crew and their antics.

Day 6: The crew was moving VERY slowly and weather was looking very nasty, black clouds and squall lines, heavy seas, was prepared to push on to Anegada but learned that Bean has really been a Green Bean ever since she rode the Bomba Charger, would have not hesitated the passage with a seasoned crew but this crew was anything but that at the moment, made a Bloody Mary to sip while pondering the day..
The decision was made to stay put, checked with David and we were OK to remain in our slip for another night. We plugged in the shore power and cranked the AC as we had on and off rain and building seas. Added some dock lines and moved the fenders a bit, the little mono next to us was really rocking and rolling by now.
Finally herded up the crew and made a call to Saba Rock to pick us up for lunch, a ride in the dink would have been very wet. The food and service were excellent; the new burger menu was my choice, Barbados Burger with bacon and guacamole.
A nap aboard Galeaux came easily even with the wild ride in the slip.

Back to Jumbies Bar for Happy Hour and Jumbies party with the famous Leverick Bay BBQ Buffet, excellent evening, we were summoned aboard the Necker Belle for a drink with Nick and Monica, very cool, back to the bar for more music and Jumbies, hangin with Nick, Capt. Rick and whole gang of fun peeps!
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