
Trip Report, a few more days

Posted By: sumbeach

Trip Report, a few more days - 03/29/2016 10:02 PM

What a bunch of great days! But so boring! Going to a beautiful beach every day is bad enough, but to have the weather near perfect, (other than some wind), having vestiges of the evil weed (seaweed, that is) wash ashore and be quickly dispatched by the folks that dispatch seaweed or whatever they do with it, and on and on...OMG, how can we continue to make these sacrifices for another week! Well, I guess we'll just have to suck it up and persevere!

Nothing in particularly chronological order, at this point it all seems to blend together. But some highlights...

Had lunch at Papayayo one day, Katherine and I split a Cuban Sandwich - probably the best we have either ever had - Paul had a club, and Sue got the biggest cob salad I have ever seen. We'll definitely do that again. Tried the new Village restaurant, BO, for tapas, pretty good. Went to Loterie Farm, really pretty place, didn't eat there. Instead drove to Marigot, walked about a mile in totally oppressive heat, and really played tourist by eating at one of the waterfront places. We split the whole red snapper with rice and peas - and actually enjoyed it.

Then planned on hitting the butterfly farm, don't ask why, but cooler heads prevailed and we decided to stop at Super U in Howell Center. Holy Shopping Carts Batman! All these years at Simply, supplementing at Tap 5 until Bruno saved the day by opening Petite Casino
(Continued, if you're not already asleep)

Super U is Super! Great selection, and so clean. Highly recommend if you're on the French side.

And (hold on, those of you that have been in the area - you know it's coming)....we stopped at Mickey D's and got an ice cream! Now I'm hankering for a 1/8 kilo avec fromage! Or whatever the translation is for quarter pounder with cheese.

Also had a pizza from the Sub. I ordered le Reine avec piment et oignon, thinking onions and bell pepper - the onions were fine, but whatever the piment was, it was so hot that I had almost half the pizza for myself because it was too hot for the others. Hmm, maybe a good tactic.
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