
Jan 3-10

Posted By: DELRAY

Jan 3-10 - 01/15/2004 04:11 AM

Arrived at SXM Jan 3 at 11:30 am Nonstop from Boston via Icelandair. Immigration was a breeze. Got our bags and went to meet Alian from AAA rental but his cousin Kevin was there instead. Myrna had a Van for us instead of a car. She said she would catch up with us and trade it during the week but that never happened. It was a good vehicle.
Our trip to Cap Caribe was uneventful except that traffic flowed through Marigot like a dream. Just go no stop to it. We were checked in and on the beach by 12:30. Lunch was at Baywatch as it was for most days on the trip. Dinner at Cheri’s saw the first part of the show. A group of ladies from Grand Case were celebrating their class reunion (probably 35th or 40th). One of them took to the stage area to dance with the group. They were all enjoying themselves.
Sunday morning we went to church in Grand Case. In the communion line I met Susie of ttol members Kevsue. Small world! As I returned from the communion I recognized the lady, from the reunion, who had taken the stage at Cheri’s She was signing in the choir. I guess those choirgirls are the same everywhere!!! At the end of Mass the organist dedicated a song to the lady I presumed (a lot was discussed in French) was the choir director for the children’s choir. The priest then sang a song to her in French. It turned out to be quite a production with theatrical gestures and the congregation as the chorus. The kids in the children’s choir were quite amused by the whole thing.
On the way to Grand Case there were tons of locals on the side of the road by the bypass. I understand that they race cycles and cars there. I wonder just how does that work? I don’t think they shut down the road. Police don’t seem to take notice.
Spent most days on the beach at Laplaya. Cap Caribe guest get free chairs and umbrellas there. This was different from the last two years when Wakaki provided the chairs. It was cloudy with some rain and the wind was close to overpowering the first three days. The rest of the week there was less wind and more sun. Sand gravity had us firmly in its grips most of the week.
Met Kevin & Susie and Butch & Kelly at baywatch they reported the ttol party on the 30th went well.
Monday we went to Philipsburg dropped by Everything Cool for lunch. We walked on the new boardwalk. It looks great! I think it’s going to be a great addition. A duck boat was on display there. Looked at a few jewelry stores then went into Touch of Gold.
Within seconds the salesman was showing my wife a piece we almost bought last year.
We couldn’t say no two years in a row the wife is delighted. And if she’s happy I’m happy.
Wednesday we went to Marigot took in the Straw market bought a couple of items. After 8 times on St Martin I decided it was time to see Fort St Louis. As I started up the steps to the top I couldn’t help but think of the Jimmy Buffett song 1000 steps. But it wasn’t a bad climb and the view at the top is great. Is the hospital on the way to the fort still operating? Two big windows were boarded with plywood and there didn’t seem to be much activity. Stopped at the RAMS food center on the way back found it much better than Super Marche.
Decided last minute to go to Sunset Beach Bar got tied up in the traffic, and missed both the sunset and Air France by minutes. Saw Air France take off. Though. One lady was drinking for free. Met Pete and his wife they run the Duck boats. They had some great stories. Ate a Rick’s that night. Decent meal.
Monday we ate dinner at Mary Boons and as usual it was a great evening. The rest of our meals we had in Grand Case. Le Cottage, L’escapade, LeTastevin, and l’Auberge Gourmande. The exchange rate on the euro made the meals in Grand Case, except L’escapade, kind of pricey.
This was our third year in a row and the weeks seem to go faster each year.

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