
Trip Report 1/21 to 1/30

Posted By: MadelynandRich

Trip Report 1/21 to 1/30 - 01/31/2017 05:40 PM

Arrived on island via American Airlines. No problems. Breezed through Customs and Leslie met us with our car right on time. Stopped at Maho market then on to Beachside Villas, our home for our past 6 visits.

Saturday night ate at our old standby, Bavaria. Good as always. Sunday was breakfast at Green Monkey,snacks at Karacter then Fig for dinner. Very few people in Fig and the owner said business has been very slow. Meal was very good. Monday had cappucino at El Zafiro, lunch at LeTeverstin (sp) in Grand Case, and dinner at the Palms, followed by apple struedel dessert again at Bavaria. All delicious. Tuesday went back to Palms for lunch and decided to try Blue Fin for dinner. It was very good. Getting ready for dinner was a challenge because electricity went off for a half hour and I didn't want to go to dinner with a wet head and we weren't sure if the electronic gate entrance would let us out. We waited the outage out and all was well.
Wednesday bought French pastries for breakfast and then electricity went off again for 20 minutes. Picked up our guests at airport and then the four of us went on the Celine pub crawl. It was a really fun time as always. The first stop at the Stone was particularly tasty.
Thursday took guests to Green Monkey for breakfast, then an island tour stopping in the Marigot market, tour of Grand Case to pick out a restaurant for another night and finally Orient beach and the Sun Beach for lunch. Dinner was at La Rosa and was excellent.
Friday back to Karacters since it was just a walk down the beach and dinner was Ocean82 in Grand Case. It was delicious. Saturday was the Rhino Ride. Lots of fun except trying to pull yourself back in the boat after snorkelling. Age makes a BIG difference in amount of effort it takes. Lunch at Yacht Club and dinner again at Blue Fin. Sunday took guests back to airport and we thought we would try Little Jerusalem for dinner. This was my first experience with schwarma and it was delicious. However, we had to wait 70 minutes for it to arrive at our table. Not good.
If it sounds like we ate a lot, we did.

Alas, Monday came and we returned our rental to Leslie and flew home in the afternoon. From SXM to Phila. took 4 hours. Pilot was really flying (pun intended). Can't wait to return next year.
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