
Trip Report- 6/26- 7/1- First Timer - Very long

Posted By: ironmanps

Trip Report- 6/26- 7/1- First Timer - Very long - 07/13/2004 02:42 PM

DAY 1 – Saturday, June 26
This is my first trip report, about my first St. Martin visit, so bear with me.
We left out of Philadelphia, on June 26th at 9:30 am. on a direct flight. USAir was only using 1 security checkpoint so the going was very slow. We waited in a long line and then after security we had to walk 1 mile (that’s what a USAir lady told us) to get to our gate. We took off about 45 minutes late.
The flight went smoothly and we were only about 20 minutes late getting into SXM. Took the little bus ride to the terminal and had to wait in another long line (there was an AA jet unloading at the same time as us) to clear immigrations. While in line I thought I would put a new 256mb flashcard into the new digital camera for our first pictures of Sint Maarten. I had a little trouble getting the card in the camera, and once I did I got an error message, and the thing didn’t work. So, NO pictures of our arrival on our first island vacation. On to the luggage pick up, where we each took up position at a different luggage conveyor, and waited about 50 more minutes for our luggage. Out the door and there was Leslie with our name on a piece of paper. We were in the airport at 2pm and out at 3:15pm.
Off to the parking lot, load the bags, sign (zee papers old man) and on our way just like that. You gotta love Leslie and his service. We got a white Corolla with less than 20K miles and a great air conditioner.
Stopped at Lido to grab some lunch for when we got to our hotel. Two racks of ribs, vegetable rice, and scalloped potatoes enough for 2 people--$8.00. We killed 1 rack of ribs and the rice and potatoes (Mary fed me as I drove) before we made it to Dawn Beach.
Checked into Princess Heights. A nice suite with a real good kitchen (which we never used), 2 bath rooms, and a huge terrace with a great view. Only bummer here was the 3 flights of stairs to climb. I get real lazy on vacation.
A quick look around the place, into our swimsuits, and down to Dawn Beach. Our first Island drink at Mr. Busbys and a little sand time.
Didn’t get to stay long because of a 7:30 dinner reservation at Mary’s Boon.
Got our first taste of St. Martin traffic on the ride to Mary’s Boon and arrived a little late. People were just sitting down to dinner, so we missed the whole honor bar get together thing. We were escorted out to the beach where we found a tent all set up with candles and everything for our dinner. We asked for a little help in the selection of a bottle of wine, due to the fact we know nothing about French wine (we usually drink Italian reds or NY State reds), and were pointed to a Bordeaux Supreme that was very good and only $25 dollars. We were brought a salad with Bacon and Cheese on it and a homemade dressing. Then our host brought a tray with Chicken Breast with some kind of sauce, Tenderloin of Beef with a wine sauce, a sort of Twice Baked Potatoes, and Haricot Vert. Everything was very good. After a while our host came back with the tray full again and said help yourself. Well, Mary had had enough but I went for some more Beef and our host told me I had to take some of the chicken because he brought it for Mary and she didn’t take any. OK twist my arm. A little while later and he’s back with two plates with profiteroles with ice cream and the best Hot Fudge sauce we have ever tasted. I cannot think of a better way to start our first St. Martin visit than this dinner on the beach. Wonderful, and only $103 total.
After dinner we went to the Atlantis Casino and played the slots for a while. Mary didn’t win anything and I won enough to get us even. Back to Princess Heights and the end of day 1.

DAY 2- Sunday June 27
Up at 5:30, much to Mary’s chagrin but not a planned event. I just don’t sleep when we are on vacation away from home. Never once set an alarm and I saw every sunrise that happened while we were on the island, even the nights we retired at 2am.
Once Mary hauled herself out of bed (about 7:30) it was off to find Le Croissanterie, or Zee Best for breakfast. We found neither. So I said, “ let’s go to Bitta’s , I know I can find that”. Well I couldn’t. Not because I’m an idiot, but because it is out of business. So we ate at the bagel shop that is in the place where Bitta’s used to be. SO –SO food.
It was cloudy so we went to Philipsburg and walked around looking for a camera. Found a Pentex cheapie ($69) 35mm that had a zoom lens and the guy at the store threw in a battery, film and a carrying case. He loaded the film and took our picture, after which I said I wanted to get his picture, which I took, and he said for that he was giving us another roll of film. I think the name of the place was Kishka ??? It is on the same side of the street as DK Gems, just down a little. We then walked the beach, found some cool shells, had a drink and took some pictures. Then it was off to La Grand Marche for the essentials- spring water, Asti and chocolate, and a crappy phone card that we couldn’t make work without many more years of higher education.
Back to the room to change and off to Baywatch for lunch and chairs. Met Cheryl and Andy. Got drinks and ordered the lunch I had been waiting for since I started reading the TTOL board- Mussels ala Andy and Margarita Shrimp. “Sorry that lady over there just got the last of the Mussels, we won’t have any more until Thursday”. Boy that sucks. Oh well, the Shrimp was good and the drinks were cold and the company was great so how bad could it be? By the way, Mary had a Hot Dog(?) and Fries. In 31 years I could count the times she has ordered a Hot Dog on 1 hand. St. Martin makes you do strange things.
After a swim and a lay around (we were starting to burn) we headed back to the room. I called Spiga to make a dinner reservation and got a recording that they were CLOSED <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" /> both Sunday and Monday. OK what is our second choice? How about Don Camillo?
After a shower, and a bottle of Asti, we headed to the Boathouse for some Coconut Shrimp to hold us over until dinner. Nope, they were CLOSED <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />. So we went to Ric’s for drinks and little bite. A BBC and a Raspberry Pound Cake- so-so, seemed watered down, plus some Poppers for me and some Onion Rings for Mary. Brought my Poppers, 5 or 6 minutes later brought Mary a Blooming Onion. Not what we ordered. “ Oh I thought you wanted this because everyone loves these, they are so good”. No thanks. Ten minutes later we had the O-Rings. No one ever came back to check if we needed another drink or anything. This is a place we would not come back to.
Went to the Diamond Casino. Winnings- Mary - $0 Me- $53
Back to the room, a quick swim in the pool, shower, shave and off to Marigot for dinner.
Ate at Don Camillo’s, Mary had Angel Hair Pasta with Tomato and Basil. I had Grilled Veal and a ½ order of the Gnocchi with Gorgonzola Sauce. A nice bottle of Chianti with dinner and a Lemoncello after. I suggested we go to Bistrot Caraibes for Crème Brulee for dessert. Great idea but guess what, they were CLOSED <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />. No dessert for you. Let’s call it a night.

DAY 3 – Monday, June 28
Up at 5:15, Mary is getting to hate me. I went to the workout room and did 15 minutes on the Elliptical machine and 30 minutes on the Bike and some free weights. As I was showering I thought “working out while on a weeks vacation? What are you some kind of a goofball? Have a drink and something to eat and go workout when you get back to reality”. So that was the last time I visited the weight room.
Off to breakfast at Zee Best in Simpson Bay. CLOSED <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />. Well then let’s go to Le Croissanterie in Marigot. Yea, they are open. Mary had coffee and a chocolate croissant and I had the American Breakfast. Both very good.
We head to Philipsburg to get Mary a little bauble. We visit Deepti at DK Gems. She high-pressured Mary into a tennis bracelet. Only kidding about the high-pressure thing, Deepti is a sweetheart and Mary is very happy with the bracelet and I was very happy with the price. While Mary was trying to decide if she was buying the bracelet we went for a walk on the boardwalk and had a drink. Also bought some Sheridan’s and a new money clip for me. After shopping we went back to the room, changed and went to Grand Case for some lunch and a lay around on the beach.
Ate at La California, Mary had a small Pizza, I had Pork Tenderloin in a Caramel Sauce. Excellent, and a large portion too. Drinks and chairs from Calif. and some beach time. Very calm waters and real hot. Got a little burned even with the SPF45.
Went to Marigot for some shopping- bought some souvenirs, t-shirts, French Wine, and baked goods from La Sucriere.
Back to the room, change, go to Scavengers on Dawn Beach for a drink and a swim. Lots of big waves.
Back to the room to get ready for the TTOL party. There was a message for us to call home right away. Many calls and 4 hours on ,or waiting by the phone, and our little family crisis was taken care of. But we missed the TTOL party. I had really wanted to meet some of the people I have seen on the Board and talk to Deepti some more. I guess we will try next year.
Dressed and went to La Gondola for dinner on Deepti’s suggestion (seeing how our choice- Temptation- was CLOSED <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />).
Mary had, Pasta Fagoili and Gnocchi with Tomato/Basil.
I had, a great antipasti (homemade dry sausage and soppressata, roasted peppers and eggplant), Lobster Risotto, Espresso.
The waiter and owner sang the loudest Happy Birthday Song ever for our anniversary and gave us a free Tiramisu. Great wine,. Villa Antinori. $120 -Great Meal-
Went to Casino Royale- got $120 in quarters, $100 in dollars- to play the slots.
Mary won $100 + on the quarters
I won $625 on three 7’s and $30+ in quarters, plus we won $82 in dollars. About $850 total. COOL
Enough for one day.

DAY 4 – Tuesday June 29- Anniversary Day (31 Years)
Up at 6:00, Mary waves a simple, single finger hand gesture so I decide to let her sleep a while longer.
We head for Zee Best in Simpson Bay for breakfast. It’s a little late (9 am) and the traffic is nuts. I rag on Mary for the late start as the reason for all this traffic and get the hand gesture again. Isn’t love grand (31 years of wedded bliss)? Breakfast was fantastic. A basket of fresh baked goods on the table. Mary ate from the basket plus a coffee, and I had an order of scrambled eggs with smoked Salmon, coffee, and I also ate from the basket. We ordered a basket of assorted baked goods for the plane ride home, telling Dany we would pick them up on Thursday. Fresh baked pastries and croissants or airplane food, not too tough a decision.
Back to Philipsburg for shirts and stuff for the family back home. I knew that this was it for Philipsburg, because there were 4 cruise ships scheduled for Wed., so I had to stop in Le Escargot for their Escargot Sampler Platter. Mary had nothing, except an amazed look on her face. She couldn’t believe that 1- I could be eating again, and 2- that I could be eating snails. Well, believe it.
Back to the room to change and then off to Cupecoy. We went to Cliffhangers, and the beach but Mary wasn’t thrilled with Cupecoy so we didn’t stay long. Then it was off to Maho. Had a swim and a lay around and then went to SSBB for drinks and plane watching. We saw the KLM land plus a few 757s, but Air France was so late we didn’t stay around to see it land.
Back to the room for a swim in the pool.
Our anniversary dinner was at La Gaiac in Marigot. We had an 8 o’clock reservation. We thought we would go to Marigot early and visit some shops and walk around the Mall. We got to Marigot about 7:00 and guess what, everything was CLOSED <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />. So we went to the restaurant and explained the situation and were seated (we felt like 80 year olds at the early bird special hour) on the terrace.
Again I ask for some help picking out the French Wine, and was directed to a few different choices. I picked the middle priced one (88 Euro) and was very happy. Excellent wine. Mary ordered the cold Foie Gras appetizer, which she took two bites of and couldn’t swallow the second bite. She loves liver and pate but hated Foie Gras. A texture thing, I guess. I know it is expensive but 25 Euro for two bites is crazy. She had the Chicken for her entrée and liked it a lot.
I had black Risotto with Lobster and Shellfish for appetizer and the Filet Mignon for an entrée. Both were fantastic.
The restaurant gives you little tastes of things to compliment the meal- we had Cold Asparagus and Crab Soup, and Foie Gras Crème Brulee before the entrees, and fresh fruit Soup, Crème Brulee and assorted cookies after the meal. All in all a great meal with a great Lady.
After dinner we went to Grand Case for dessert at Bistrot Carabies. We each had the Crème Brulee and I had an Armagnac. Nice Place, nice dessert. Very Good.
Back to the room.

DAY 5 – Wednesday June 30
Up at 5:00, even I think this is nuts. Hung out an hour on the terrace then climbed back in bed with Mary. Got out of bed at 7:30 and it was off to Marigot to the Market, but first a stop at Ma Doudou for some Rum. It’s NOT OPEN <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />, imagine that. On to the market. We bought some shirts, shorts, picture frames and album, and vanilla beans, $150 total. Then to St. Germain for crepes. NO WAY- CLOSED <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />. So we went to La Croissanterie. By now it was 10:30 and we were thinking lunch not breakfast so Mary had a Grilled Cheese Sandwich and I had a Seafood Crepe. Both were very good. Met a couple that were from a cruise ship and joined them at their table. They were from Miami –she a doctor, him an architect. We got talking about jobs and when they found out Mary owns and operates a Day Care the talk turned to childcare and regulations and rates. These people have 3 nannies for their 2 kids and they pay $1100 a week for them. Mary informs me we might be moving to Miami.
Head back to the room to change. Stop off at Ma DouDou, Still NOT OPEN <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" /> Go to Orient Beach. Get chairs and drinks and hugs from Cheryl at Baywatch. A few Kamikazes later we decide to go to the CO side. Mary brings the “girls” out for a stroll. We get the obligatory “sign” photos while a bunch of cruisers getting off a bus get their cheap thrills. After a while we go back to Baywatch for some more Kamikazes a swim and a lay around. Starting to get hungry and the Mussels haven’t come in yet so we head to Dawn Beach and Ms. B’s for a late lunch. Mary has another Hot Dog (what’s up with that) and I have the Ribs with Rice. The ribs at Ms. B’s might not be the most tender or the meatiest or even the cheapest ribs I have eaten but they have to be the TASTIEST ribs I have ever had. Very Very Good.
After lunch it was back to the room to change then off on a booze quest. Back to Ma Dou Dou- surprise- NOT OPEN <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />. An hour and a half later we had our Absolut, flavored Rum in painted bottles, and a Prada Purse (see how she snuck that in there) and back to the room to shower and change for dinner.
Went to Temptation. Went to the bar, we looked at the menu and decided that we would rather have Italian so we decided to go to Spiga. We headed off and got to about Maho when we thought “ what if they are closed (it was 9:30), the way our luck has been going, I would expect that” So we figured we would go back to La Gondola. We loved it on Sunday so why not. Do I have to tell you – they were CLOSED <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />. Now what? I said lets head for Simpson Bay, we will be sure to find something there. Well we found Laguna. I remember the name from stuff I have read on TTOL so I knew what to expect. We knew we were not getting Spiga or Temptation. What we got was a “neighborhood” restaurant, like the kind in our town that served good southern Italian food at a good price with little fanfare. We got Frank Sinatra on the stereo, Chianti on the table, Prosciutto and melon, Angel Hair Pomodoro, Cheese Ravioli, Braciole, Tiramisu, Crème Brulee, Espresso, and a free Amaretto from the owner all for $120. And the food was very good. Just like at home. When I asked Mary to pick her favorite meal in St. Martin she said “ either Mary’s Boon or Laguna”.
After dinner we went to the Dolphin Casino- No Freaking Way- IT WAS CLOSED <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />. So we went to the Hollywood Casino. We hated it. Left there and went to Casino Royale. We ended up getting about half our money back. Went to our room about 12:30am.

DAY 6 – Thursday, July 1
Up at 5:45. Mary doesn’t even acknowledge me now. Once she stumbles out of bed we pack up and then head to Zee Best in Simpson Bay for breakfast and our take away baked goods. Then we head back to Philipsburg to get another beach bag for my daughter. Back to Princess Heights to load up and checkout.
We go to Ms. B’s to get a jar of her Bar-B-Que sauce to take home. Then we go to Ma DouDou again and of course it’s CLOSED. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" /> We have some time to kill so we go to Atlantis Casino for one last crack at our fortune. Well, we break even so I guess that’s ok.
Then it’s off to the airport to check in. We are a little early and I go looking for Leslie to turn in the car. I can’t find him so we get in line to check the luggage, and before it’s our turn, I hear “Mr. Schmidt, Did you have a good time?” I turn to see Leslie Bruce. He somehow found us. He says, “here sign this”, gives me the carbons, shakes my hand and says, “thank you, I hope to see you again.” It was so easy renting a car from Kenny’s that we will be doing that again next year.
The flight was a little late boarding but once we were on,it took off quickly. The flight was a bit bumpy but Immigrations and customs was a breeze. The luggage came fast and we were out of the airport in little time.

Random Thoughts from a First Timer:

Boy was I glad I found TTOL before our first trip to St. Martin. Thank you to everyone on the board.

Boy am I glad I learned to drive in New York- it sure helped in SXM.

I’m sorry I wasn’t able to go to the TTOL party.

Next year I will leave the –Must Do- list home. We only got about half way through the one we took.

The first time to St. Martin was like the first time to Disney World. We wanted to see everything. Next year will be a lot less running around, (we won’t need to ride every ride again, if you know what I mean)

I like shopping in a Jewelry store in St. Martin, drinking Heinies, a lot more than shopping at home.

I liked the Island a lot more the days there weren’t 4 ships in port.

What is with the intersection of Welfare Rd. and Cole Bay Hill Rd (the road to Philipsburg) ? There are traffic lights that are not working and are moved out of place, leaving no stop signs or yield signs at this corner. Lots of traffic backups caused by this.

I have more thoughts but this has gone on long enough. Well just one more—I can’t wait until next year.

Sorry it was soooo long.

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