
Jan 8-15

Posted By: DELRAY

Jan 8-15 - 01/18/2005 01:50 AM

Jan 8-15
We stayed at the Hilton in Boston for our 5AM flight. Icelandair flight down was great. Landed early met with Alian from AAA rental and we were on the way to Cap Caraibe before 11 AM St Martin time. We had delayed our trip for a week to try and get a second floor room but were unable to get one. I had emailed the hotel and they said they were full in January so there was nothing they could do. When I checked in I asked again if there was anyway I could get an upper room. Sorry she said we are full we cannot help you. She then gave me my room key room 412 on the second floor! I was confused but happy with the result.
The second floor at Cap Caribe doesn’t offer much of a view of the ocean but I appreciate the privacy of the balcony and it feels more secure. This year you can use the umbrella and chairs at both Laplaya and Wakiki. One of the hotel staff recommended Laplaya because she thought Waikiki was more expensive kind of harder to deal with.
The first day we got to the beach Waikiki had umbrellas up and Laplaya hadn’t put theirs up yet. Waikiki has a section set aside just for Cap caraibe and another hotel. It includes beachfront chairs. We were greeted like long lost friends by Fafa(sp) the beach water. Early in the morning he asked if I wanted anything I order a diet coke. He came back it was $4.00 I gave him $5.00 he never came back for another order. All week only one other person asked if we wanted anything. Its not like they are hostile maybe more interested in cruise passengers. But they seem pretty laid back about trying to serve you anything. Baywatch to the rescue!!!
The weather was just okay. Wind was stronger than usual it rained a little everyday and quite a bit on Sunday. Still it was paradise a lot better than New Hampshire weather.
We spent most days on the beach. The beach was busy this year compared to the last few years. Wednesday 9 ships were in port 27,000 extra people on the Island. The beach was busier that day but not overwhelming. I did not go to the Club O side but the rest of the beach was not as crowded as I thought it would be. The Herald said the merchants had a great day. I talked to Herru at Touch Of Gold later in the week and she said it did not affect her that much
. There was a letter to the editor in the Herald complaining about the cruise passengers vs. people staying on the Island. The man claimed he spent 30 times what cruiser spent. He decried the fact 9 ships were going to be in port. From reading the Herald it seemed the Island made a great effort to make Wednesday a great success. They closed off Front Street allowed no deliveries that day. Had extra staff of hand and other plans to make the day a success. I think it was great. I don’t think you can begrudge the people on the Island a chance to improve their situation.
Another positive thing on the Island was Harmony Night in Grand Case. They had several parking lots in town offering free parking. We parked at the ball field. The whole town was buzzing several artist had tables. There were food tables. Bands were playing. In front of Talk of the Town (do they call that skyline dinner?) they had tables set up.
At about eight they had a carnival type parade down the street. I heard the carnival costumed dancers were Brazilians from the Island. It was a good show. A lot of excitement in town. More locals than you usually see. The people at both LeCottage and LeEscapade said it was a real good boost to business.
We saw more police presents on the French side then ever. Uniformed police were in Grand case the three nights we ate there. We saw a group of Gendarmes in Marigot
I later read in the Herald that they had a roadblock to check License and insurance papers. I also read early Sunday morning the police were testing people they pulled over for alcohol. The article stated that there legal limit is .25 milligrams to air expired. One driver tested 1.46 milligrams and that presented an extreme danger to other drivers. It did not say he was arrested.
Except for Monday we ate lunches at Baywatch.great food great people. They are busy as usual. As a result twice we shared a tables. Small world each time we met someone from NH. The first time we met Bob and Natalie from Portsmouth. Turns out they own Tugboat Alley gift shop. A place we shop. They also own a tugboat that gives tours of Portsmouth harbor. We in fact had tried to book a cruise last summer but they weren’t going out that day. Nice couple. The second was Dave and Linda. Fellow TTOL’s they owned a banquet facility in southern NH for years and now manage another big facility. They had great stories and know about the southern tier of our state.
Cheryl & Andy are great host.
We ate at the usual places at night Cheri’s, Mary’s Boon, Pizza Pasta and Goodfellas on the Dutch side. Chez Martine, LeEscapade, and LeCottage on the French side. Prices seem to be up all over the Island for meals. The euro thing is a real pain.
Finally got to meet Deepi she had some great jewelry but Herru at Touch of Gold had a ring that went great with the bracelet she sold us last year.
All and all a great trip ready to do it again


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