
Our Trip Notes - May 2007

Posted By: Bob!

Our Trip Notes - May 2007 - 05/31/2007 04:52 PM

The real title of this is:
How to Re-Live Your Honeymoon (or at least ours), according to Bob & Charlene.
(It doesn't all fit in the subject line)

We only had the time for a 10 day trip this year, and both of us were terribly
burned out from our day jobs. I planned this trip later than usual,
both the dates and when I actually started working on it,
and it was designed for us to maximize our time together, free of stress,
and free of obligations...

To go on a honeymoon, you have to get there. We flew AA from SFO-->JFK, (redeye),
JFK-->SXM #667 arrives around lunchime. No problems at all. Chris Rock and family
were on the flight sitting up front. We never heard him cuss, not even a little bit.
After a while, someone finally came and pulled them out of the regular
immigration line - it wasn't real long, but perhaps they were afraid he
would eventually cuss...

Got our slowrolla from AAA - a fine beater, all dented up - makes it easy to hide
the new ones received while parked and unattended, assuming you can find parking.

Stopped for quite a few supplies, and headed to Club O. Rum & Diet Cokes in hand,
in our chosen chairs, on the beach, life is good. Lots of first day left - it is
probably about 2 PM, didn't bring a watch. The Honeymoon is underway... (NOTE: The
drive over to Club O was in terrible traffic - that pretty much made up our minds
that the next time we drive through Simpson Bay, it will be at 5 AM when it is
time to go to the dreaded (but nice new) airport to go home.)
Happy hour at Papagayo's - time to switch to wine.

We basically did that same routine for 10 days, except instead of flying from
SFO on a daily basis, we simply opened the cabin door, and strolled over to
our chairs - you get to the beach much earlier in the day this way. If you are
really early, you can move your chairs a few spots over in case a chair neighbor
from the day before annoyed the hell out of you due to an over-active
ratchet-jaw, loud, and who doesn't know the meaning of "shut the hell up for
a few minutes once in a while" - I'd like to read more than one page of
my book today. We walked the entire length of the beach many mornings, no

Prepared many meals right there in our cozy cabin - more fun, can wear the
same nothings we wear on the beach, and, well, it was cozy... We had
a grill, so we were able to cook steaks, burgers, and veggies. Cheese and
cracker nights were also good on days of huge lunches.

Massages from Nathalie were quite relaxing - highly recommend her services.
She works out of the spa and fitness center - not to be confused with the
fairly newly constructed outdoor massage center down by the watersports
building down at the south end of the beach.

Basically, we stayed at Club O the entire time, only venturing off the
resort a few times as described below - some of these were combined.

Did Tiko-Tiko - it was about the 8th time we've done it - it is always great,
in our opinion, one of the best days you can have... Returned in time for
HH @ PG's. Met some nice folks on board, shared further HH's throughout the
rest of the trip.

Had a few lunches at Pedro's - brings back memories from the original Honeymoon
where Pedro's was the "end of the line" looking north up the beach.

Had a couple of dinners at Papagayo's - all fine meals, absolutely nothing
to complain about here. Saturday night - prime rib - big 'ol tasty hunk
of meat. Had lunch there on Mondays - Pedro's closed. Again, the food was fine.

Went to Talk of the Town one night - the food and atmosphere was just perfect
for our needs - no complaints.

Went to California for a light dinner - they have a strange idea of
French Onion Soup - where's the cheese?? Oh, we found it on the small
pizza we split. Waiter - more wine please.

Went to Philipsburg - what honeymoon is complete without buying your honey
a worthy bobble or two? Parking was the pits - found a spot next to a cargo
container somewhere on the unimproved section of Pondfill/Nisbet road.
Someone made out like a bandit this year, and it wasn't me. Gotta love
those "free" beers. Manu at Caribbean Gems always takes good care of us...
We had lunch at the Holland House which also brought back memories of the
first Honeymoon. We ordered cheeseburgers - we didn't care what we ate -
we were enjoying each other.


Weather was good, some serious down-pours during the middle of the night, and
an occasional 20 minute beach-clearing-then-returning-to-beach rain/shower.
Good opportunity to re-plenish the rum/diets.

As the 10 days progressed, it appeared that the beach was being slowly chewed
away. I definitely noticed a difference from day 1 to day 10.

We liked the fact that they made parking areas at Club O - gets
all the cars away from the fronts of the cabins - makes the scenery
nicer, and you don't have to listen to folks starting up those whining

We had to drive over Cupecoy way to observe the latest island-destroying
construction. Didn't even stop the car - didn't like what we saw. I can
only imagine the fate of the beach. We actually drove around the island
once during this trek, breaking the rule of avoiding Simpson Bay. Had to
stop at Turtle Pier for a Rum/diet - always a favorite place of ours.
Oh, also had to stop briefly to check out our original honeymoon beach -
the beautiful Mullet Bay Beach. (Nothing up to now in this paragraph
is in chronological order so don't try to trace the route.)
Got back to Club O, in time for a little chair therapy before Happy Hour.
Put 'dem shorts back in the closet. There they hung, until it was time
to pack them up for the 5 AM ride.

The dreaded 5 AM ride - only took about 15 minutes back to the airport.
It was interesting to see - like in my own neighborhood - people out
on their morning walks - for exercise. The thing we noticed that every
single one of these folks carried large sticks - more like sawed-off
rake handles... Gotta take of yourself I guess.
The Finale:

After Happy Hour on the last night, (actually, it was the wine & cheese
party put on by the resort) we wandered back to our chosen chairs,
and after pulling out a small pocket-knife from my TTOL hat-pouch,
we painfully cut off our chair-tags to take home as souvenirs.
That really was tough.
Back to the room for the wine & packing party.

With tear-filled eyes, we cuddled as the plane took off from zero-nine,
up and quickly (ATR-72) to the north-west, not giving much of a last view
of paradise from the air. 20 hours of travel got us safely and
uneventfully to our front door. Flights were fine except for the
screaming babies. Lots of them. Here I am, back at the infamous rathole.

We had a wonderful time together. It will be a trip to remember -
it truely was like a honeymoon.
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