
Two ole geezers and one hot babe trip report

Posted By: SandyandBill

Two ole geezers and one hot babe trip report - 05/28/2007 11:56 PM

Alright, alright, it’s three ole geezers trip report but I wanted it to sound more exciting than the latest car rental thread. This is a super duper long report for us so here goes:

First, a warning about the links, I’m having major problems getting them to work so I may ned help once again from my techie buddies but if they do work, they contain multiple videos so you’re going to need a very fast internet connection (Paaaat). The good news is they are G-Rated as in Geriatric so you can probably watch them from work without getting into hot water and let the kiddies, grandmom and Sister Mary Francis see them as well. This was our first attempt at creating and posting videos so please excuse the amateurish attempts but major thanks to Scala (Vicki), Ed & Sandra and the rest of you who’ve helped this old twx/telex gal into the current century.

Flew US Air from Manchester thru Philly without a hitch. Love the new airport and went thru immigration in about eight minutes. Unity right outside, picked up the car and we were at the Royal Islander La Plage within about 30 minutes after landing. We had the same two bedroom suite we rented a couple times previously through the Royal Islander Owners Association.

Picked up some essentials across the street and showed our friend Mark the complex. It was Mark’s first visit to sxm and actually his first vacation in about 20 years so it was a thrill to see his reaction to all the wonders and beauty of the island. I was a bit trepidatious traveling with these two (hubby & Mark) since they act like ten year olds when they’re together but I only lost half my sanity by the end of the week.

First restaurant we hit was Pizza Pasta and unfortunately was our only dining disappointment. This has always been a favorite and all three meals were sub par. Pasta was way undercooked. There was some new dude overseeing the restaurant so I’m not sure what’s up. We’ll try again though since this was the only time in many visits it wasn’t to our liking.

After dinner, we went to Casino Royale which is where we landed every night after dinner or other activities usually til about 2 to 3 am. It was great seeing some of the same folks we see year after year like David, Remy and Donnie. Didn’t see my favorite waitress Vicki and no one was very forthcoming about what’s going on with her. Maybe one of you other regulars know what’s up with her. One word of warning about the Royale, the drinks. I’m a scotch drinker and I drink it with water. They would bring a water size glass full of scotch and must have waved a drop or two of water in it. I got to the point where I would ask for Dewars, a bottle of water and a glass of ice so I could make my own drink.

Monday, we had breakfast at Turtle Pier. Breakfast and service were great and I always love looking at all the critters. We went to the Grand Parade Monday and it we did it right this year. Got to P’burg about 10:30, walked around a bit and went into the air conditioned Coliseum Casino until we could hear the parade. When we got too hot, we’d just pop back into the casino for a bit to cool down. Security was incredible. I didn’t realize there were so many law enforcement types on the entire island. We have a ton of carnival videos that I hope we eventually will get posted when that annoying work thing doesn’t get in the way.

Popped over to the Buccaneer to say hi to Neil and the gang. We hit SkipJack’s for the first time based on several recommendations here. Nice place and the food was good. Service was a bit lacking but it didn’t seem to be from lack of effort. They seemed to be either understaffed or not that an experienced waitstaff.

Tuesday morning we had breakfast at one of our favorites, Kissing Fish. For those of you that haven’t had the pleasure. It’s located at the Summit Resort near Maho. The two owners Chloe and Theiry are two of the biggest characters on the island. If you ask for an ashtray, Chloe will comment ‘We always encourage smoking” lol and Theiry will serenade you with whatever is in his brain cooking breakfast.

Tuesday afternoon we went over to Marigot and did a little shopping in the open air market. Since the cruise ships were not in, it was great. You could park right next to the marina and driving was a breeze. Many of the stores weren’t open but it wasn’t much of a loss. We purchased a few trinkets for my neighbor who watches the house and picked up the mail and some little pieces of artwork by a couple of local artists, Charlot and Chantel-Maui (sic). We swung by the Princess casino at Port de Plaissance on the way back to RI. Talk about service; I ordered one drink and tipped my normal $1/drink and before the ice could start melting when I was just about finished, the waitress brought over a fresh drink without asking. This woman deserves a raise gosh darn it. She kept me in the casino another hour more than I/we were planning.

Tuesday night we went to Robbie Watts TTOL party at BBB and it was a great time seeing some old friends and meeting some of the new folks. Had one of their gargantuan burgers that could feed a family of four. Just a quick note to a couple buddies (J & D) who didn’t make the party. Missed you big time and hope had a wonderful anniversary.

I’m not sure why but there are a bunch of videos from bbb/ttol/dawn beach and bamboo bernies all sandwiched into this one and some that are missing. Didn’t plan it that way:

Wednesday, we had breakfast at Spinnakers located at the Simpson Bay Yacht Club. Perfect eggs benedict and mimosas, what a great way to start the day. The guys had steak and eggs said it was one of the best steaks they had including dinner quality. It’s always a treat to watch the big yachts and sailboats parade through during the bridge openings.

Wednesday during the day was a veg day, a little shopping around Maho and some swimming/pool/beach time.

Wednesday night we had dinner at the Peg Leg Pub with Lovey & Thurston, aka ‘Sherrie’ from ttol and her wonderful husband Steve. We had petite filets all around except for Steve who had some fish dish and they were great. Shaun was his affable self and the service was great. (Bruce, I’m still not going to send you the video unless you agree not to publicize it lol). The five of us proceeded to make some deposits over at the Hollywood Casino at the Pelican.

Thursday, the guys did the 12 Metre Challenge so I hung out, had the buffet breakfast over at the Sonesta. Ok, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Too many other better places.

Friday, we schlepped over to P’Burg and said hi to Deepti over at DK Gems. I’m not a big jewelry person but Bill was forewarned he’d be making up for my lack of bling requests over the last couple decades come next year on an anniversary trip.

We headed over to Dawn Beach and having never been there, we didn’t really have any of your perspectives as to what it was. The hotel does seem to consume everything but the beach is still very pretty although diminished in size compared to the photos I’ve seen. The casino was ok to us but the placement of the bathrooms was off the wall. They need to rethink that design bigtime. There were very few people at the pool although there was some kind of convention taking place. Leaving we ran into a major traffic jam and we wound up behind a cement truck, surprise, surprise. We were a bit lost and wound up following it down some sideroads based on some logic on my husband’s behalf that defies all reasoning. Construction on the Dutch side ???? Who the cr*p knows. When will you guys ever ask for directions???

Dinner at La Rosa IIs didn’t disappoint and their use of garlic has not dissipated over the years. Fortunately, we could go across the street to our condo to brush the teeth and swig
down a half bottle of mouthwash before we hit the casinos. Although it is a great way to get rid of some annoying gambler that likes to slam the table when they lose a hand. Awwwwww that’s too bad buuuuuuuddddy lol

Our last night’s dinner was at Halsey’s, another favorite and a great way to end the week. We’ve always had great meals. If you order an after dinner coffee liqeur drink, they put on quite the show.

Sunday, we had one last breakfast at Spinnakers, the guys made a few bucks at the Sport Book Casino, dropped off the car at Unity and went to the airport. All went smooth and had a few drinks at Neil’s newest place Rum Jumbies. The connection thru Charlotte was a breeze and we were home about about 1:30 am. The only hiccup is we locked our housekeys in the house and had to break a window to get back in.

Well it was a fantastic week although we probably killed off a couple million brain cells especially those that tell people in their 50s and 60s they probably shouldn’t be partying til 2 to 3 o’clock in the morning. Mark is definitely an sxm convert and is already planning coming back next year. In the meantime, I just want to thank you all for feeding my fix the other 55 weeks of the year! That’s all folks.
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