
Long Trip Report 1/18-26 part 1

Posted By: madisoncty

Long Trip Report 1/18-26 part 1 - 02/02/2008 01:57 AM

I tried to make some quick notes but you get so busy (or not) that your mind just goes blank. This trip was in celebration of our 25th anniversary. We (I and the big guy (BG) took along our family from this point referred to as older son S1 and wife DL1; younger son, S2 and girlfriend GF (more on that later).
Flew Delta absolutely no flight problems, had 51 min layover in Atlanta. Went thru immigration fairly quickly but did have to wait a bit on luggage then it was off to Unity, chose to get 2 cars due to bodies and luggage, always get the Corollas w/dents. Decide to make the grocery run on Saturday so it was off to OBBR. Yep, traffic is kind of a pain but we hit the road about 3:30 so it was before ‘rush hour’ so it could have been so much worse. Checked in, after some confusion, found our rooms, had a double and a single as neither S1or S2 would be happy sleeping on a fold out in the living room. Double was a Marina view, unfortunately directly next to the construction zone. The noise wasn’t so much a problem, although it would have been if we stayed in the room alot. There were parking issues due to congestion in that area. After unpacking, made our way back to the bar for almost happy hour and to touch base with some of our friends. Although we were very tired, we were also very hungry so decided to try Big Fish for dinner. Had heard great things from the few that had eaten there; we were not disappointed. It isn’t cheap but it also isn’t that expensive, the bill for the 6 of us including appetizers, main course, drinks and wine was around $250.00. The farm boys are good eaters and all walked out stuffed. There were several tables seated when we arrived and when we left there was a waiting line. I thought service was great.

Saturday: Was shopping day, only 1 ship in port so figured it best. Had a plan as S2 was looking for engagement ring for GF. I took the girls shopping starting w/Rimas and BG and the boys headed to the jewelry stores. They ended up at DK Gems as we had contacted Deepti in advance and she was a great help to the boy. It was GF’s 1st time on the island so DL1 and I did a good job of keeping her busy and out of the shops that she may run into S2 at. All met mid afternoon at the Greenhouse for drinks, mussels, and coconut shrimp. My men are so into mussels, it’s not even funny! The kids headed back to the resort and I and BG did our grocery shopping. Hit the Sangs across the street from Bobby’s marina; must have been a bad day as we couldn’t find any of the fresh items needed for personal Happy Hour; I’ll insist that we go to one of the Grand Marches from now on. As we were all still trying to recover from our travel day and a rain front was moving in, spent the rest of the afternoon just relaxing at the resort. Mid-evening decided we were getting hungry so went over to Mama’s pizza for carryout. After eating, heard music coming from Captain Oliver’s so decided to go check it out. S2 and GF were the only ones game to go with us. It apparently was buffet night and it looked awesome, might have to check that out next trip. Sat further into the bar and while we were enjoying the live band and our drinks, Philippe came by and we had a very nice visit. The band was ending but we heard music coming from further down the dock and went to check out. We stumbled into a small piano bar, the Yacht Club where a guy with a keyboard was singing. He also did karaoke along with you so, other than BG, we all took our turn. It was fun, probably one of the best evening’s entertainment I have had in a long time. We finally found our way back to the car around 1AM.

Sunday: It was mandatory that we get to the beach as we had been on island more than 24 hours and had yet to do so, but it was rainy, didn’t look promising. After a great deal of grumbling by S1 & 2, we convinced the family that the other side of the island would be better and we were off. We had never been to Friar’s so that was our quest. And we found it! Be prepared, it is a rather rough drive, and we were briefly stalled by a man moving his cattle. That was ok because as we are cattle producers and we actually enjoyed it; we have held up many people while moving ours. Got the beach shortly after 10AM, and Jaba took care of us with chairs. Had a nice relaxing time, it is a very pretty beach and the rain only got us a couple of times. Always take full coolers but the girls prefer blender drinks, found that they were not doing 1 to 1 and therefore pricey. I can’t really say why but I guess I was surprised that a beach bar wasn’t. There was supposed to be a TTOL get together at Bikini at 5 so we headed back to OBBR to clean up. Invited family but they didn’t want to go with the old folks and planned to dine on their own that evening. We headed over to Orient and were there at 5, saw no signs of TTOL people but had a nice visit with a couple from NY who were not familiar with TTOL. Left after an hour or so and drinks and appetizers. Walked around Orient village as in all these years, we had never done that. Back to OBBR, found that the kids were eating at Daniels; we ended up at BeauBeau’s. There was a guy singing that was pretty good and we enjoyed that. Kids joined us for another drink. They said their meals were great; ours at BeauBeaus was just mediocre at best.

Monday: Rainy again but things are looking up, heard the front was moving out and small craft warnings would soon be lifted. S2 said GF still had shopping to do so they were going their own way. The other four of us headed to Bay Rouge. Was a good choice, not crowded at all, and only rained a couple of times. Ended with late lunch at Gus’s. Hit Import/Export in Margot on the way back, I just love that place! Sampled some awesome cheese, don’t ask what it was can’t read or understand French, but it was just sumptuous. S1 and BG wanted to hit a casino but others didn’t so Maho was logical choice for that evening. S1 & DL1 had dinner at Bajatsui (sp), we discovered you could order dinner thru the Soprano piano bar so that is where the rest of us ended up. S1 & DL1 said they had an outstanding meal. At Soprano, BG and S2 had mussels, of course, which again they thoroughly enjoyed. Boys headed to Casino Royale, the rest of us shopping and then a stop at Cheri’s to enjoy the music. S1 came back successful from his visit, BG did not.

Tuesday: Looking better, actually was seeing blue sky!!! This would be perfect Orient day, at least the closest we had had so far. S2 and GF again had plans, BUT he stopped by our room to get something out of the safe. I was beginning to wonder when he was going to ‘get busy’! We headed on over to Orient and ended up at Kakao, just used their chairs. Before we left after a very relaxing afternoon, we headed to Baywatch to see if Andy had any mussels. They wouldn’t be available again until the next day so we ordered the special- roast beef on bagette. The roast beef was delicious! They were so filling, I’m glad each couple chose to split one. As the BG always has to order appetizers, we went for the beer battered scallops. I must say, they were the largest scallops I have ever had, and they were outstanding. And as many have commented, the BBC was great, never had one before. We all loved them! S1 had a phone job interview so headed back late afternoon.

In the meantime… S2 said GF wanted to go to the butterfly farm so they loaded up early , little did she know, his actual plan was to pop the question and present the ring that Deepti had helped him with. That plan was shot down when a tour bus full of families with children from a Disney ship parked beside them. The group seemed to follow them everywhere so he finally gave up on getting some privacy and when she was ready to leave, suggested they go on down the road to Le Galion beach. It was there he decided he could make the big move! There weren’t a lot of people there, however, he still decided he needed more privacy so he wanted her to walk with him to the point; she was tired; didn’t want to walk that far but he persisted. Finally, the little velvet box was pulled out of his pocket, and she said YES! The story kind of gets muddied at that point, I think they were both so excited they couldn’t remember it all. She was totally surprised and he was totally thrilled! She can now be referred to as FDL (future daughter in law) and the BG and I are very pleased!

Caught up with S2 & FDL and tried to make decision on dinner before S1 got tied up. To give S1 privacy, decided the 5 of us would head over to the Weston to check out the Casino. The kids had been there earlier in the week, but the BG wanted to see for himself. It was around 5PM and there was virtually no one around. I can agree with others comments that it in no way reminds you of the Caribbean. Looks more like it belongs in a big city, not vacation location. Liked their gift shop tho. We headed back to enjoy happy hour in the OBBR lounge catching up with our friends and sharing the big announcement with all. S1 finally reappeared and we all headed to Grand Case and Harmony Nights. That was cool and we really enjoyed strolling down the street, looking at the vendor’s wares and listening to the music. Kids all found some treasures to take home so were happy. Finally chose a place for dinner. L’Escapade. There were busy but we only had about a 15 minute wait. Food was very good, beautiful presentation, and attentive service. They were doing 1-1. There was no added service charge on the bill; they trusted our tip, whatever we liked. We responded appropriately.

Wednesday: Finally break in weather; skies clearing, good thing, as our friends, Walter and Marianne arranged a group rental of the Celine along with a taxi to take us to and from. There were 19 of us, all staying at OBBR. We arrived at the dock at Skip Jacks early and were greeted by Captain Neil and Nicki. The morning started with pastries etc for breakfast. It was still a little rough in some areas as we headed to Tintamarre, by the time we arrived, the seas had calmed some and the final rain storm had passed us over. The beach was beautiful and we all experienced the mud baths. It was very relaxing. Late lunch time found us back on the boat enjoying an absolutely outstanding lunch; the best one of the trip! Great salads, ribs that fell off the bone, seafood paella full of shrimp and calamari. A full stomach sustained us during the much smoother ride back to Creole rock for snorkeling. As you multiple-timers know, snorkeling is not great around SXM, but we still had fun. We left from there but were apparently a little ahead of schedule as we stopped at Happy Bay for some additional relaxation. Arrived back at Skip Jacks around 6PM where Jr. and the taxi were waiting. It was a great time and I am so happy that it worked out. After a quick shower and even tho we were tired, it was off to Dingy Dock for a light supper. The Iowa boys are meat eaters and the burgers did not disappoint. S2 and FDL decided they wanted to stay and party some more but as the older folks were tired, we all headed back to OBBR. The BG wanted to try his luck at the Weston so I went along to keep him company; we weren’t there long.
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