
Trip report 4-17 Aug: Day 7 & 8

Posted By: Mike7

Trip report 4-17 Aug: Day 7 & 8 - 08/21/2008 04:15 AM

Day 7, dimanche, 10 août
Nothing like going to Mass with a slight bellringer in your head (~chuckling) – kind of like New Year’s Day.
Our families went to Mass at St Mary’s in Grand Case, which, because of the English-then French repeats – go a bit longer than the States. Much to my Altar boy son’s grumpiness and our delight, they also had 5 beautiful baptisms (so closer to 2 hours). As the happy parents stripped their children and dressed them in their pure white garments, I remembered our own baptismal promises, I could not help but think that – with this bond of the universal church (our family) – the world became a little bit smaller, more intimate, friendlier. Perhaps that is me just projecting my hope for people, and my love for this paradise and her residents. Time will tell all…
After we sang Happy Birthday to a gentleman who was decidedly older than me, I heard an announcement that at once struck me as poignant and hopeful. For some time prior to our visit we all were talking quite a bit about the horrible thing that happened to our friends Bruce & Kim – and how utterly unimaginable that must have been. My own Christian core says I must turn my cheek, and pray for my enemies. Certainly easier said than done. But on that Sunday I heard a gentleman, the president of the Men’s Fellowship at St. Mary’s stand up and make a plea to his parish – his community. They are raising money to build a Fellowship Hall behind the Church. It would be a place of hope – something many young persons lose quite frequently – a place for their men, their children, their grandchildren. A place of mentoring. An alternative to drugs, violence, and despair. I think it is a good idea. It is at the very least, an idea. I talked to the gentleman after Mass. Since the States are “consolidating” parishes a lot of art is stored in basements. So my east coast friend will try to get a set of Stations sent down there if they are interested. Me, I will be having my wife set up a non-profit account to collect fund raising. It may just be me interested. It may just be my parish. But a little is certainly more than nothing. Sorry, just had to go with this one, a good Sunday story. I love this place; I know many of you have more reasons than I to love her more. Just wanted to share…
Swam and read most of the remainder of the day – never a bad thing in SXM! Kevin & Emilie were able to corner Sebastion to pull them on innertubes around the bay at GC. They were doing really well: right up until Emilie bumped Kevin and he flew plate over tea kettle! I struggled to maintain a straight face. We grabbed some yummy fries and cooked up our own Gouda Cheeseburgers in Paradise. It was a good day. For the first time I broke down and smoked a Cohiba with Rich (I’ve been smoke free for 6 years now. <img src="" alt="" /> We played another fun game of Uno. Tammy told me I needed a shave. (I think kids were wanting to ask me for Christmas presents…)

Day 8, lundi, 11 août
Got up early and watched the sunrise. More reading. Took the (very) scenic route into Phillipsburg. Took the highway around past Orient to Quartier d’Orleans. Saw Poulet d’Orleans and made a mental note – got to go back & try their chicken! (Always food). Saw the sign for Oyster Pond so we hung a left and followed the winding road past the pond to the beach. Had to stop – laughing - for a whole bunch of goats, drove by a pile of jetskis left for dead in a field, then rounded this beautiful view point. Went a bit further and found the Marina. Saw Captain Oliver’s and made the note for next time again. Went past the Westin and thought, “yeah, nice parking lot,” and turned up the hill. We pedaled the Matchboxes as fast as we could, and was on the verge of having the women and children get out and push, when we leveled off and decided to take some cool pictures of St Barth’s in the distance. Thought about going to Guano Bay to see the surf but pushed on to Phillipsburg. Went toward the cruise pier, and found good pay for parking again at the Ggreenhouse. It was a pleasant walk to the boardwalk. Rich & I picked up some souveniers – including lunghis (male wraps: trying to start a fashion trend!). The girls rolled their eyes. Then they dove into a jewelry shop on Front St while we guys found the Dollar Store - $1 Heinekens. Then we watched, chuckling as they handed some of the green bottled gold to a passing car, and almost knocked into a Sheriff’s deputy in the process. Found a great little creparie and ice cream shop by the boardwalk for ice cream (as it was a little hot that Monday) We ended up having lunch at the Barefoot Pub. Conch Fritter appetizer, Shrimp Roti (Curry & potatoes) Wrap. Kevin was slurping down his new favorite – BBQ Chicken Wings. Tammy was breathing heavy over the Jerk the did the ribs with. Good stuff. Found my way through the traffic circles, but I think I have to be on Back Street to turn left to Little Bay and Ft Amsterdam. We ended up crossing the bridge and flipping a U-turn again, and ended up on some neighborhood streets before finding our way. By then the desire to check out the fort had went up in the heat. The bays were beautifully colored today. Rounded the corner and saw where they are doing all the construction at Indigo Bay. Parked by the preacher on the hill and took some pictures of Indigo, and Simpson Lagoon down the hill. The tree at Johnny B’s was in bloom and looked quite pretty. Stopped at Match for another case of wine, some more rum, and tomatoes. Dove in for a much needed swim and got ready for the Manager’s Cocktail Party. Always good to see everyone as we watched the beautiful sunset – again! Then went back to the room and listened to some Al Green, Otis Redding & Annie Lennox. Busy day!

Day 5 & 6:
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