
Trip report 4-17 Aug: Day 3 & 4

Posted By: Mike7

Trip report 4-17 Aug: Day 3 & 4 - 08/19/2008 03:57 AM

Day 3, mercredi, 6 août
Did I say conked out hard? Tammy checked my pulse three times before standing on top of me to say, “are you going to get up?” Blunt yet affective. They say God is in the details, so I guess the effort of preparation (not to mention getting work release from the job) cashed in it’s marker on me! Rich & I snorkeled past the diver buoys around the point past Petite Plage towards Creole Rock. Pretty effortless: because the wind was at our back. Going back was strenuous! Note to self: work out this year! Needed three hours of sand gravity & rum punches to recover!
After I could breathe again, we decided to opt for the Match Supermarche at Howell Center. All the TTOLers gave good advice about going to Cole Bay Grand Marche – for I believe the prices are probably better. But I have to say this: the people at Match were very friendly and helpful, and the selection was just what we were looking for. Plus they had Bordeaux wine on sale 3 E 60 a bottle. Tammy loved that one. Got a case. Was going to pick up a pizza from le Bounty (which we all were looking forward to) but they were closed for renovations! <img src="" alt="" />
Circled back to Sexy Fruits to pick the girls up (alas, no purchases) and went to whip up a delicious home cooked of pasta, pine nuts, & champignons dressed with EVOO & balsamic, accompanied by romaine. Simple yet elegant. Capped with Happy hour with Sandra at Sunset Café. Slept like an infant.

Day 4, jeudi, 7 août
Got up early, hurray! Ate down at Sunset. Made our plan to go to Orient and Oyster Bay… more on that.
Took N7 around to Orient. We noticed quite a bit more graffiti this year – don’t know if it is separatists or spineless punks that are making a mess of things. (Sorry, another post) Once again did the Giant Slalom that is the access road. More than once I thought I saw Rich & Leslie in their distinct and sporty red Matchbox disappear completely in a pothole! It was definitely hotter today. We walked north. At the Club O boundary at Pedro’s there was an incredibly “gifted” gentleman, again, that greatly intimidated Rich & I and sent the ladies scurrying the kids to safety. I imagine he was drawing the line in the sand in regards to C/O beaches. LOL.
It was getting hotter faster, and Kevin was whining about the trampolines so we stopped and rented an hour. I had to laugh, because when I jumped the net hit the water. I did, however, figure out the physics enough to jump high enough to dive over the side. Everyone got a chuckle out of it, I’m sure! Meanwhile Emilie got 2 braids and Rich bought a hat from a couple of polite beach vendors.
Once the aches from the trampoline-crunches stopped I realized that we needed sustenance, so it was off to Chez Leandra. Remarkably, she remembered us once again and thanked us for the positive comments on-line. Very nice lady! The Creole Conch was as good (again) as the Caribes were frosty. Then, before I dove into the 2nd half of my wrap, I noticed Marc & Annie, and Bob & Pam - recognized by picture – next door at Baywatch, so I went to introduce myself. It was a quick chat that I wish I was able to continue, but guests, kids & conch had other plans. I was hoping to meet them, along with Sue & John at Dinghy Dock.
Tammy kept an eye on the kids bodysurfing, while we walked down past Papagayo’s. Leslie had her first Orient C/O experience swimming about as Rich & I admired the lines on Tiko Tiko. Beautiful Cat. Then we walked back, noticed a beautiful sand sculpture of Mary holding Jesus, then past the “border patrol” and back to the Matchboxes. About the time I shoehorned into my Matchbox, I realized I got a bit more sun than I planned on. Even with three passes of sunscreen, we got a lot of sun. By the time we returned to GCBC we had been poached well. The vote was to pass on finding Dinghy Dock. <img src="" alt="" />
Back at the hotel I made open-faced proscuitto & gouda baguette sandwiches & salad for dinner. At happy hour it appeared we were going to get a green flash, so I ran back to the room for my camera – stubbing and breaking my ring toe in the process. Ouch. And then a rogue cloud came in covering the last minute of sunset. C’est la vie! We took our toasted bodies to the room and Aloed up for the night.

Day 1& 2:
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