
The trip so far, May 2nd-4th

Posted By: TStelma

The trip so far, May 2nd-4th - 05/04/2012 01:42 PM

Wednesday, May 2nd.
Arrived at 1:50 p.m. This is our first trip starting on a weekday, so the airport experience was much more relaxed and quicker than we are used to. Found out our Verizon service was limited to texting, and then only between Mullet Bay and Grand Case. We would receive a flood of texts while driving, and P could not answer them because she was driving, and I am a texting novice, so between my ineptitude with the task and the bumpy ride, my replies were mostly incomprehensible.
Checked in at La Plantation, the same place we stayed in 2006 with our now departed in-laws Pat and Sal. The staff is wonderful, the breakfast is excellent, and the rooms are very open and spacious. Plenty of square footage and 16’ vaulted ceilings make us feel very unconfined. We managed a room facing the pool and dining area, so Wifi is available in a certain spot facing a window. Love the terraces here!
Because of our cell phone service problem, we were unable to meet up with some friends at SSBG as planned. They believed we would be meeting them after leaving the airport and waited until nearly 5:00 p.m. for us before leaving. Ironically, we arrived at 5:30, but they were too “happy” by then to drive back to meet us. SSBG had a trumpet/guitar duo playing who were pretty entertaining, but periodic rain brought a small crowd that night.
We drove back to the French side, and only then did we receive a text from our friends inviting us over to their Maho-area villa. We decided to use Facebook to communicate after that. La Plantation had Karaoke that night, but we were too pooped from the flight, and called it a night.
Thursday, May 3rd.
Woke up to overcast skies, and the discovery that P’s hair straightening tool would not work with a voltage adapter. Front desk was helpful in advising to visit Marigot to find one that operates on 220v. Sun seemed to be coming out by 10:00, so we planned a visit to Coco Beach, where we get free chairs as part of our hotel package. We were happy to see they still have a c/o section, small as it may be (20' X 30'). There was only one couple besides us using it, and they were guests of Esmerelda. We managed around 3 hours of beach time, the sun fighting a useless battle to burn off the mainly couldy skies. It started to look lile rain was a-comin' at 1:30, so we pacled it up and left.
Contrary to what we have heard, we could go in the water sans-suit without admonishment. One gentleman in the textile section even removed his own to take a swim. It was not particularly windy either; pretty much the standard Orient Beach breeze. Our beach boy was very attentive, but constantly dissappointed we did not even order a bottle of water. "Is that a cooler?" he asked with suspicion as he eyed the small cooler between our chairs. There was nothing but water in it, but they are pretty adament about purchasing all food and drink at Coco's. It has always been that way though, and we understand they need to make money off their visitors. Should not really be a requirement nonetheless...
There was very little seaweed in the water, but quite a bit on the shore, especially as we made our way towards the former Mont Vernon hotel. Swimming was not a problem at all, at least not in this area. Very few people on the beach, besides some cruise ship day trippers exploring Orient.
It started to rain on and off around 2:30 and began to peak into a full blown storm around 5:00. We used the time to find a flat iron hair appliance in Marigot. Kacey's on Rue de la Liberte' is the place for all things electronic. They even dropped the price and offered dollar for Euro even exchange. Fortunately, the transformers on her laptop and my CPAP are made to run up to 240 volts, so a simple adaptor was all that was required for those two items.
We stopped in Grand Case for an early dinner at Germaine's before heading to the room, and drove by Tap Five to see if they are still making pizza, and they are. Will probably get some take-out there before the trip is over.
The rain continued into the evening, so we enjoyed each other's company without the benefit of internet or cable television, as the rain seemed to affect both. We had each other and books {and a fully stocked bar}, so nothing to complain about on this end.
Friday, May 4th
After a veritable monsoon overnight, we awoke to a temporary water shut-off and brilliant sunshine outside. Looking like a good beach day. Heading back to Coco Beach. Club O is on the agenda for the weekend (can't miss Sinko de Rafto), and planning visits to Cupecoy, Baie Rouge, and Happy Bay starting Monday.
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