
Day 9 -- SXM Trip Report July 21 thru Aug 4, 2012

Posted By: astropilot

Day 9 -- SXM Trip Report July 21 thru Aug 4, 2012 - 07/31/2012 01:25 AM

Monday, July 30th -- Our ninth day on the island:

Good evening from Mont Vernon:

Well, what a difference a day makes! Yesterday was a beautiful, although very windy, day. Today it rained most of the day on Orient Beach. I know the island needed the rain, but it sure put a damper on our day.

[Linked Image]
_IGP0018 by dfberns, on Flickr

[Linked Image]
_IGP0002 by dfberns, on Flickr

Diana and I spent most of the day on the computer, or reading, or napping, or sitting on the balcony watching the rain, and the wind. I was surprised by the number of Kite-Boarders that were out today. Between them and the gulls, they are about the only other lifeforms we saw today.

So after a day of relaxing in the studio, doing mostly nothing, the gods intervened in the evening and the rain stopped. With that we left our studio to go down and check if the pizza place at Mont Vernon was open tonight. It was!!

[Linked Image]
_IGP0025 by dfberns, on Flickr

So we promptly ordered a “Merguez” Pizza, and took it back to the studio, and thoroughly enjoyed it, and a bottle of Moscato for dinner.

[Linked Image]
_IGP0036 by dfberns, on Flickr

All in all a kind of boring, and lazy day, but topped off by simple, but delightful dinner on the balcony...
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