
Day 6 June 7

Posted By: scuba1deb

Day 6 June 7 - 06/08/2012 02:18 AM

Due to the fact we stayed out later than usual last night we slept a bit late this morning. We had such a late start to the beach we decided not to pack a lunch and go to Palm Beach for lunch, my first time there. We had a wonderful lunch in a lovely setting. I had the mahi mahi burger and it was good. Then we went down to the Club O end of the beach and just hung out in the water for a couple of hours. We headed back home early because we were going to the Lotterie Farm for dinner and we wanted to arrive before dark. My first time there as well and it was fantastic. I had the pork tenderloin and it was a very large amount and it was wonderful. They served a tiramisu shot after our dinner that was very good. A great day and we now have 2 new restaurants on our favorites list.
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