

Posted By: Reina

Seychelles - 06/29/2015 03:18 PM

Hi Friends!
Have any of you been to Seychelles? I've heard some things about it but wanted your feedback. I was thinking about looking into a safari on the mainland for a few days then going to the Island. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Posted By: salica

Re: Seychelles - 06/29/2015 05:29 PM

The Seychelles is a group of several islands. The largest, capital island is Mahe. It is not particularly large. We visited about 15 years ago when they were really just starting on tourism. We were not particularly happy and felt we were regularly 'ripped' off. Hopefully they have got their act together better now.
We stayed at a hotel recommende to us on Mahe. We were very disappointed on arrival to find it a Best Western. It was not especially good. The clientele was the U.S. Navy on leave, lots of wealthy elderly Italian males, with 20 year old females hanging on to them and people frojm the Middle East ( it is a relatively easy journey for them).
I would spend two or three days on Mahe and then visit as many of the other islands as you can fit in. A word of warning: if you are interested in snorkelling this is quite hard to achieve. We had to take boats in order to snorkel just about anywhere, though I will admit the fish were stunning. But not one suitable snorkel spot off shorefrom anywhere we visited.
Be aware that there are two main weather seasons. Where you stay on each island will depend strongly on the season. Be sure to check this out.
We did enjoy our stay, eventually, but would not return. A long way and very expensive. But as I say, that was 15 years ago.
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