
Shopping in Johannesburg Airport

Posted By: Carol_Hill

Shopping in Johannesburg Airport - 04/01/2005 03:43 AM

I have heard that there is some good shopping at the Joberg airport. We will have a few hours on the way home before we board the plane to come home from Botswana to hopefully do a dab of shopping there. What kinds of things could we find there at the airport??
Posted By: sandyandtom

Re: Shopping in Johannesburg Airport - 04/01/2005 09:25 PM

I'd be interested in knowing too as we have a 2 hour or more wait there.

Posted By: sandyandtom

Re: Shopping in Johannesburg Airport - 04/20/2005 04:47 PM

Just returned from Africa on monday. The HI in Johannesburg was very nice. I stayed in the airport one. Didn't hear any planes. Very clean. Had the buffet breakfast for 9 rand About 4.50 US. Airport is very clean and nice also. Lots of shops too. Enjoy your stay in May.

Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: Shopping in Johannesburg Airport - 04/20/2005 05:04 PM

Sandy--Thanks for the note!!! My voucher says that breakfast at the HI is included????? I just got my Africa tickets and vouchers in the mail today, just reading them through, as we type!! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/Joy.gif" alt="" />

BUT, you can't get off that early, tell me all about your trip!!!!!
Posted By: sandyandtom

Re: Shopping in Johannesburg Airport - 04/21/2005 08:02 PM

We were on a mission trip south of Harare. We traveled for 6 hours to get to the village (2 hours of it was on a dirt road). No electricity or any of what we take for granted was available. After 4 days we started our return to Harare, but stopped just outside of Masvingo to the Zimbabwean Ruins. They appeared to have been built in the 1600s. The stone had been made from the bigger formations around the area. Very impressive to look at. The stone formations were stacked so high and had nothing that was holding it together. Then on Saturday, we went to the Lion and Cheetah park just outside of Harare. Very interesting,however, they cannot afford to feed the elephants so there were none. Saw a 300 year old turtle, among other animals there that you could go in the cages to pet. I didn't do that, but some of my group did. We had a great time in Zimbabwe and I would go back in a minute. The only thing I'm not to excited about is the 24+ hours that you are in either airports or on the planes. Gets very tiring.

Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: Shopping in Johannesburg Airport - 04/21/2005 08:18 PM

Thanks for the note! I didn't realize that was the nature of your visit. Sorry that you didn't get to see Victoria Falls or more of the tourist areas..
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