
Temporary Jet Ski Ban In Negril

Posted By: Carol_Hill

Temporary Jet Ski Ban In Negril - 02/04/2014 03:37 PM

Temporary ban after jet ski death Wow, what an awful story, of the person killed.
Posted By: Halfwindy

Re: Temporary Jet Ski Ban In Negril - 02/04/2014 06:07 PM

Senseless death.
The jet ski operators wouldn't be there if the tourists wouldn't patronize them.
Just like everything else in a resort area, demand dictates the supply.
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: Temporary Jet Ski Ban In Negril - 02/04/2014 06:14 PM

Just senseless, for sure. I really don't know what it is like in other places than Negril, but they are extremely annoying in Negril. I personally don't jetski, so I wouldn't mind a permanent ban, but I know that a lot of people enjoy it. But it does sound like they need to make and ENFORCE more rules.
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