
Trip Report BVI Bareboat/ St. Thomas (kinda long)

Posted By: MissinStT

Trip Report BVI Bareboat/ St. Thomas (kinda long) - 08/30/2004 09:08 PM

Just got back from the VI and wanted to do a quick report on what we saw and thought.

We travel with another couple who also used to live in St. T so we all have very real expectations.

First off American Airlines could use some customer service advice. But I don't want to dwell on the negative because there were too many positives.

We started on Tortola with Sunsail. We have been able to get off the dock early in the past but due to a flotilla coming in they were unable to turn our boat around in time for us to leave so we were on the dock at Hodge's Creek the first night. At first we were disappointed but that quickly changed because we discovered Fat Hog Bob's. What a surprise!! GREAT Service (more on that later) and excellent food. Not to mention a very cool band playing on Friday night. What really surprised us though was the atmosphere. I expected a dive type of bar (though that would have been fine with me) but what we found was almost elegant especially for the islands. Great treat and a hats off to their staff.

Off the dock first thing on Saturday and straight to the Baths to beat the flocks. Having lived here and actually all worked on a BVI tour boat from St. T we had all been to the Baths hundreds of times. But it never loses it's appeal. It is my wife's favorite place in the world. From there to Little Dix for lunch. This was a first for all four of us and we were very pleased. Good food and again GREAT service. Then on up to the North Sound and Saba Rock. We discovered Saba last year when we were trying to go to Bitter End and they were closed. It is now a mandatory stop for us. Keeping with the theme the staff was awesome. Great food and even better anchorage for the night.

Sunday first light and it's off to Anegada. Great weather and a wonderful sail up. Upon arrival we make our reservations for 4 Lobster dinners at the Anegada Reef Hotel. Then it's off to Cowreck and a day on the beach alone. Not another soul. There but our 4 and the folks at the restaurant. Good lunch of Lobster sandwiches and conch fritters. Great day of relaxing. Back to the southside for cleanup and the best lobster in the world (in my opinion). Next morning up to snorkel this time at Flash of Beauty. We had done Loblolly West before but never this place. Again noone on the beach but us. Where else can you go and get that. Great snorkeling lots of fish and incredible coral. Back to the boat at 1 PM and off to Marina Cay for our last night.

Back to the service. Having lived here and visited several years since I can honestly say that the level of service in the BVI was better than ever. From the customs agents at the airport to every server/bartender/manager we encountered. All were helpful, friendly, and downright nice. This has not always been the case but was the norm this trip. I would like to commend the people of the BVI for their welcoming attitude and spirit. That said upon returning we took the Tortola Fast Ferry to Charlotte Amalie. Great trip by the way and really fast. Upon arrival to Charlotte Amalie the old attitude smacked you in the face immediately. US Customs was horribly rude and unwelcoming. I understand that post 9-11 is a different world but there is no reason for the way they act. From there it only got worse with the taxi driver.

We stayed at Elysian Beach Resort on the east end and it was fine. Nothing great but nothing horrible either. Had great meals at Benny Iguanas (sushi), Randy's, and the Blue Moon. Service at all 3 was good as well as the food.

We did a day on St. John and were amazed at the construction going on there. Skinny legs is still hoppin and we did dinner at the Stone Terrace a first for all of us. Awesome. Pricey but Awesome. Great Service and even better food.

All in all an incredible trip. It is and always will be our favorite place. My main problem and it has been for awhile is the attitude of the majority of St. Thomians. Though we now live in Dallas my wife and I met while living in St. Thomas and will always consider it our home. We plan to move there again hopefully sooner than later. I can't explain the frustration of someone who truly loves the place with the prevailing attitude towards tourists down there. Of course there are exceptions to this rule but a little "Aloha" spirit imported from Hawaii would go a long way.

Thanks for all of the advice before I left and thanks for the site I hope to be here for a long time.

Chip Nami
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