
Re: Anegada - taxi or rental car?

Posted By: dfrandrup

Re: Anegada - taxi or rental car? - 01/27/2015 03:03 PM

If we wanted to go to Cow Wreck Beach and Loblolly Beach would it be better or cheaper to rent a car or taxi (if taxi is available)?
Posted By: Murdock

Re: Anegada - taxi or rental car? - 01/27/2015 03:18 PM

This topic has come up before, so you might be able to search for it and get some more immediate responses.

However, to answer your question. It's usually cheaper to rent a car if you have multiple stops (as it appears you do) and more than say four people. A rental costs around $100 or so depending on what you rent. And a cab ride per person, is around $15 a person each way (without tip).

The other added benefit of driving yourself is that you don't have to wait for pickups, and you can visit the stops at your own pace, knowing you are not on as strict a timeline.
Posted By: JasonHelmbrecht

Re: Anegada - taxi or rental car? - 01/27/2015 03:52 PM

I don't know of any $100 rentals on Anegada. I think Dean's vehicles are $50 for a Wrangler, $60 for a 4 door, and $75 for a truck with benches that holds 8-10 people. All include insurance.
Posted By: NoelHall

Re: Anegada - taxi or rental car? - 01/27/2015 03:54 PM

I think Dean Wheatley (284) 495-9677 charged us about $85 for the day (includes fuel) for his small pick-up with the bench seats in the bed. If you plan to do a beach crawl, this is the better option. If you are only planning to visit one destination and return, a taxi might be a few dollars cheaper.
Posted By: Fred

Re: Anegada - taxi or rental car? - 01/27/2015 04:31 PM

Paid $55 in November for car rental at place which also rents motor bikes. Can't remember name of place or type of vehicle, but it was plenty big enough for 4. Have also rented a vehicle at gift shop just past ARH for about the same price.
Posted By: Murdock

Re: Anegada - taxi or rental car? - 01/27/2015 04:50 PM

Yep, we used single cab, standard, pick-up with bench seats in the bed for $85 a day, plus $10 for gasoline last June 2014. I didn't negotiate at all, as I just didn't care too this day, but I probably could have...

We had 7 to transport so this was the best and most economical option. We made multiple stops.
Posted By: dfrandrup

Re: Anegada - taxi or rental car? - 01/27/2015 05:52 PM

I just sent a inquiry to:

Is this Dean? Is there another way to reach him or should I phone?
Posted By: dfrandrup

Re: Anegada - taxi or rental car? - 01/27/2015 05:52 PM

I should add we will have 6 people.
Posted By: dfrandrup

Re: Anegada - taxi or rental car? - 01/27/2015 06:10 PM

Boy do I feel dumb...the link I sent is for VG. Ugh...better get more coffee.
Posted By: NoelHall

Re: Anegada - taxi or rental car? - 01/27/2015 06:25 PM

We have also rented from Eric? Wheatley at VNJ's on Anegada, which was an entirely satisfactory experience. His number was (284) 494-1522. I don't remember the rate. I did like Dean better as I could simply tell him where to leave the vehicle with the keys in it, drop by his office on the way down the road and pay for the rental (and last time there was NO paperwork) while heading to Loblolly/Flash of Beauty, and leaving the vehicle at the prearranged spot back at the anchorage.
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