
Marina and Mooring Fees

Posted By: maintravel

Marina and Mooring Fees - 04/22/2017 07:22 PM

Is there someplace that I can see marina/mooring fees around BVI? Do we need cash, or do they take CCs? Maybe all marinas are about the same, but would be helpful to ballpark estimate.

Thanks! Pat
Posted By: sail2wind

Re: Marina and Mooring Fees - 04/22/2017 07:27 PM

All the marinas take credit cards, most mooring balls are $30+
Posted By: Deepcut

Re: Marina and Mooring Fees - 04/22/2017 07:56 PM

I try to take a variety of denominations . 20s and 10s, but also 5s and 100s.
Marinas take credit cards. But at restaurants, when I get the check and want to leave, I have cash do not need to wait on the waitress to return.

Also having $30 cash is easy for the mooring fee... Usually have a Kitty so anyone can get to it and pay... (I may be at bar when the mooring fee collector comes by)
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