
Suggestions and Edits to my Cruising Schedule

Posted By: jesserb

Suggestions and Edits to my Cruising Schedule - 07/28/2019 10:01 PM

Hello all! I'd like some ideas/suggestions/edits to my short bareboat trip August Saturday 17 with 4 buddies. This is our preliminary schedule. All suggestions are welcome!

Day 1 Saturday 17th
-Depart the Moorings base in the AM 10:00. Boat is provisioned and scuba gear secured for the week
-Head to Cooper Island find mooring ball/boatyball in Manchineel Bay for overnight
-Snorkel and Dive Cistern Point maybe evening/night dive
-Dinner aboard as cooper island beach resort will be closed

Day 2 Sunday 18th-
-Breakfast on the boat
-2 tank rendezvous dive the wreck of the rhone with Sail Caribbean Divers 8:30-12:30
-Depart and grab day mooring ball at the Baths then to north sound vg for overnight.
-Alternate plan would be to moor overnight at Spanish town mooring field and take cab to the Baths

Day 3 Monday 19th-
-Head to the dogs for a scuba/snorkel use national park day mooring for morning dive
-Possible stop at green cat/sand cay day stop
-Head to little harbor/garner bay or great harbor jvd for overnight mooring.

Day 4 Tuesday 20th-
-Head to white bay for overnight mooring and day at white bay jvd-

Day 5 Wednesday 21st-
-Depart JVD and head to Norman island in the AM to secure mooring ball for the day and overnight in the bight.
-Dinner/Lunch at the beach bar or willy t
-Hang out at the beach bar and willy t
-Dive the indians and pelican island
-Snorkel the caves and treasure point

Day 6 Thursday 22nd-
-Depart the bight in the AM.
-Boat is due back to the Moorings at 10:00 AM.
-Grab lunch drinks and dinner on Tortola

Day 7 Friday 23rd-Head home
Posted By: BD21035

Re: Suggestions and Edits to my Cruising Schedule - 08/01/2019 03:46 PM

Looks like a great trip. If you are experienced divers, don’t miss the Wreck Alley site at the south end of Haullovers Bay.
Posted By: Kegoangoango

Re: Suggestions and Edits to my Cruising Schedule - 08/02/2019 03:01 PM

There are many ways to do the BVIs and while we might do things differently (we like a little more sailing), weather permitting yours will work great.

The only thing I might change is on Day 2 go ahead all the way to the north sound and grab a taxi down to the Baths. The crowds will be smaller when you get there and you and your crew won't have to swim to the beach.

Your Day 5 looks really packed.
Posted By: Breeze

Re: Suggestions and Edits to my Cruising Schedule - 08/02/2019 04:07 PM

Just a suggestion to have a plan B for Day 4. Make sure Moorings doesn't red-line White Bay JVD, and be very certain of the weather forecast before you commit to overnight there. It IS perfectly reasonable to taxi from Great or Little Harbor over to WB for as long as you want to be there, or as long as the rum lasts. WB is NOT a place from which you would easily extract a boat under squall conditions or under the effects of ample WB libations, and Neptune forbid both at the same time.
Posted By: maytrix

Re: Suggestions and Edits to my Cruising Schedule - 08/02/2019 04:18 PM

The one thing I'd check on is where to fill up the tanks and make sure they are open.

I'd also go right to Leverick after the rendezvous dive. Rent a car and check out Coco Maya (if open) or another restaurant. The next morning take the car to the Baths. We've often done breakfast at the top of the baths and then explored the baths and headed back and then headed out. I'd then spend the night around Marina Cay and do only one night at JVD. You could probably get another dive in there somewhere too.
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