
Outside showers? Will we be bug food?

Posted By: Anonymous

Outside showers? Will we be bug food? - 09/22/2013 10:14 PM

So, many villas (St John) seem to have outside showers which sounds fabulous, but at the same time I'm a little worried we will become a feast for mossies, no see ums and more.
What have others experienced?
Posted By: Fletch

Re: Outside showers? Will we be bug food? - 09/22/2013 10:53 PM

Most (if not all) outdoor showers will have a glass door that will allow you go go back into the "bathroom" to dry off so the only time you are actually outside is when the shower is running - bugs won't bother you when the water is running.
Posted By: LocalSailor

Re: Outside showers? Will we be bug food? - 09/23/2013 01:20 AM

The frogs that hang out in the shower tend to keep the skeeter population down.
Posted By: Flotsam

Re: Outside showers? Will we be bug food? - 09/23/2013 02:30 PM

Speaking as both a frequent St. John visitor AND apparently the world's most mosquito-attractive human, I can say that bites sustained whilst showering are seldom an issue. Not sure why exactly... perhaps the water washes them away before they have time to complete their evil task, or maybe they just don't like loud singing.
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