I recently discovered the iNaturalist website (and phone app)... a 503C organization that collects crowd-sourced nature observations.
It contains a fairly sophisticated database of computerized species identification, like reverse image search but quite a bit better.

Beyond that, there is a user base of millions, including experts in all sorts of biological organisms, who will confirm or correct the submitted observations to a high degree of accuracy.

This has added another whole dimension to my visits and photography! I had such an amazing time just a few days ago traipsing barefoot on Prickly Pear, stalking and photographing the scarlet Ibis and other birds. Learning the names and other facts about the BVI wildlife makes them that much more interesting to me.

In case anyone is interested, if you follow this link it will show the (so far small) set of observations I have made in the BVI:

MrEZgoing's BVI wildlife observations

The website is free and has no advertising. Highly recommended!

M4000 "Lio Kai"