
Recipe post information...

Posted By: peconic

Recipe post information... - 04/27/2009 04:17 PM

Just an FYI to all here...
I'll post good recipes that I have in my personal Recipe Folder...

Please don't anyone assume they are all mine...
I have copied many recipes from here TTOL in the past, and if they are your recipes, chime up and say so...
I never have recorded who I got them from, and my appologies, I always figured them to be in my own files and never thought we'd have this forum...

If I post a recipe, and it's yours, please speak up!
I want to give credit where credit is due!

all the recipes I post I have tried, unless I specifically say I have not...
then I only post them if they sound really good to me... and I want to use you all for Guinnea Pigs!
I did that for the Beer Beef Stew!!! <img src="" alt="" />
probably ten people made it before I did!
Posted By: Carol_Hill

Re: Recipe post information... - 04/27/2009 06:15 PM

Thanks for posting that, Brian. I hope that basically everyone knows that nobody is trying to take credit for anyone else's recipes, just sharing information.
Posted By: dseltzer

Thanks - 04/27/2009 10:50 PM

Eating is one of the most communal things we do on a daily basis. It is a common denominator that brings us all together. Good food is meant to be shared with others. Shared recipes bind us together and should always be part of our public domain. There is no greater compliment than someone else cooking your dish and it turning out just way you envisioned. Thank you for this recipe forum as it makes us all the more civilized
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