danmasi....glad we didn't meet!!! Although I did see another cat, maybe you, heading opposite direction. I was headed from CGB to NGS via Trellis on my 444, craziest time I've had since my Navy days! The 40+kts with the black out conditions got me a bit tight, but I was committed (and probably should have been!!) and figured trying to turn around was not worth the risk. My crew thought it was part of the adventure, and nobody puked which surprised me since some had earlier in the week. End of the day, all good and we got to Leverick where the captain had a couple stout ones. With all that said, there were boats with sails up...gotta bigger set than me. I'd checked the weather via VHF prior to leaving, and again when we stopped at Monkey Point, didn't sound like it was going to be as bad as it turned out to be.